Bahaya merokokProlog : Asslmkm. Wr. Wb. Kami akan memainkan drama berj translation - Bahaya merokokProlog : Asslmkm. Wr. Wb. Kami akan memainkan drama berj English how to say

Bahaya merokokProlog : Asslmkm. Wr.

Bahaya merokok
Prolog :
Asslmkm. Wr. Wb. Kami akan memainkan drama berjudul “Bahaya Merokok”. Ini mengisahkan tentang anak yang ingin mencoba rokok, tapi setelah ia mengerti akibat dari rokok, ia pun jera, dan tidak ingin mencoba rokok lagi. Selamat Menyaksikan.

(Di Taman yang sepi, Ofan sedang duduk sambil belajar Matematika, tiba-tiba Sulthan datang dan duduk di sebelah Ofan.)
Sulthan : “ Ofan, lagi ngapain kamu? ”
Ofan : “ Ya lagi belajar lah, masa lagi makan.”
Sulthan : “ Masih zaman belajar? hehehe.”
Ofan : “ Besok kan ada ulangan Matematika! “
Sulthan : “ Ah, biarin lah. Males saya belajar! “
(Mereka berdua berdiam sejenak)
Sulthan : “ Mana sih, Chem?”
Ofan : “ Memangnya, Chem kemana? “
Sulthan : “ Tadi , dia bilang ke warung. “
(Tak lama kemudian, Chem pun datang )
Sulthan : “ Beli apa kamu, Chem? “
Chem : ( Chem pun berbisik pada Sulthan. ) “ Saya beli rokok nih. Kamu mau mencoba ? “
Sulthan : ( Sulthan pun dengan ragu-ragu menerima rokok dari Chem. ) “ Boleh , Makasih ya Chem. “
Chem : “ Ya. “
Ofan : (Ofan melihat Chem akan merokok, lakamu ia membentaknya) “ Heii, sedang apa kamu?“
Chem : “ Merokok, mau fan? “
Ofan : “ Kamu mau bunuh diri ya? Kalau mau bunuh diri tidak usah mengajak saya ! “
Chem : “ Siapa yang mau bunuh diri?. Mendingan kamu nyobain aja. “ (Chem pun menawarkan puntung rokoknya pada Ofan. )
Ofan : (Ofan pun menolak puntung rokok yang diberikan Chem ) “ Tidak! Mendingan saya cari tempat lain aja! “ ( Ofan pun beranjak pergi meninggalkan Chem dan Sulthan. )
Chem : “ Ya sudah. Sulthan, kamu katanya mau mencoba? “
Sulthan : “ Iya saya coba. “ ( Sulthan pun menghisap rokok yang tadi diberikan oleh Chem. )
( Tidak lama kemudian, Afiq datang. )
Afiq : “ Hai semua, lagi apa? “
Sulthan : “ Merokok, coba fiq?”
Afiq : “ Oh, tidak. “
Chem : “ Ah keterlaluan, lemahnya kamu. “
Afiq : “Emm, ya sudah sini aku coba“ ( Afiq pun mengambil puntung rokok yang telah dihisap oleh Chem ) “Gak ada gunanya” ( Afiq pun membuang dan menginjak rokok tersebut )
Chem : (Chem pun kesal dengan perbuatan Afiq)“ Woy, ngapain kamu? “
Afiq : ( Afiq mengambil paksa puntung rokok dari mukamut Sulthan, dan kemudian memegangnya) “Rokok? Pertama, tau tujuan kamu berdua ngerokok? ”
(Mereka berdua terdiam sejenak )
Afiq : “ Rokok itu memang bersifat menagih, kalau saya jelaskan nanti saya dibilang sok tau. Memang kamu tidak ingat apa yang dijelaskan Bu Tira waktu itu? ”
Chem : (Chem pun agak kesal atas perkataan Afiq)“Ah, takut kamu”
Sulthan : “ Memang apa? ”
Afiq : “ Udah deh, secara garis besarnya rokok itu bahaya buat diri kamu dimasa sekarang ataupun dimasa depan. Sekarang! Kalo kamu masih ngisap tuh tembakau lagi, efeknya bakal menyerang pernapasan kamu yang akan jadi bekal kamu dimasa depan. Hmm, kotoran rokok di paru-paru sampai kamu meninggal ga bakal hilang. ”
Sulthan : (Sulthan pun terbatuk)“ Gimana cem? ”
Chem : “ Gimana apa? Takut kamu? “
Sulthan : “ Ah, kamu Chem, kamu memang mau ngajak saya bunuh diri. “
Afiq : “ Tuh kan, baru pertama nyoba aja udah batuk. “
Chem : “ Ya udah sih maaf, saya juga baru tau bahayanya itu. “ (Chem pun mengambil rokok yang telah dibuang oleh Afiq )
Afiq : ( Afiq pun menyarankan mereka berdua. ) “ Mulai lagi, sudahlah mending sekarang kamu berdua jera ngisap tuh tembakau, Karena saya juga udah. “
Chem & Sulthan : “ Iya deh, kita kapok. “

Epilog :
Berdasarkan drama yang telah dimainkan tadi, Sulthan diajak Chem untuk mencoba rokok, ini membuat Ofan kesal dan pergi meninggalkan mereka. Lakamu, Afiq pun datang untuk memberi informasi akan bahaya merokok untuk Chem dan Sulthan, akhirnya Chem & Sulthan pun sadar akan kesalahan mereka karena mencoba rokok. Hikmah yang dapat kita ambil dari pertunjukkan drama tadi adalah bahaya merokok, apalagi terhadap remaja yang seperti kita ini dengan adanya efek rokok dimasa sekarang ataupun masa depan yang akan kita alami nanti, dan sebagai teman sebaiknya kita mengingatkan teman kita, agar dia sadar dan tidak akan merokok lagi. Terima Kasih. Wassalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
Dangers of smokingPrologue: Asslmkm. Wr. Wb. we will be playing the drama titled "dangers of smoking". It tells the story about the boy who wanted to try smoking, but once he understands the consequences of smoking, he was wary, and not want to try smoking again. Survivors Testified.(In a deserted Park, Ofan was sitting while learning mathematics, all of a sudden the Sultan came and sat next to Ofan.)Sultan: "Ofan, again why you?"Ofan: "Yes again learn lah, the more packed."Sultan: "Still time to learn? hehehe. "Ofan: "tomorrow there Deuteronomy math!"Sultan: "Ah, now that is fun. Males I learned! “(They were both silent for a moment)Sultan: "Where the hell, Chem?"Ofan: "so what, Chem where?"Sultan: "above, he said to the public."(Shortly thereafter, Chem pun coming)Sultan: "buy what you, Chem?"Chem: (Chem was whispering on Sultan.) "I buy cigarettes nih. You want to try? “: Sultan (Sultan with hesitation accept smoking from Chem.) "Shall Makasih ya, Chem."Chem: "Yes."Ofan: (Ofan viewed Chem will smoke, he snapped at her lakamu) "what are you, Heii?"Chem: "smoking, want the fan?"Ofan: "you want to kill yourself huh? If you want to kill themselves don't have to invite me! “Chem: "who would want to kill yourself?. Better you nyobain aja. "(Chem also offers smoking butts on Ofan.)Ofan: (Ofan ever refuse cigarette butts given Chem) "no! Better I was looking somewhere else aja! "(Ofan ever go away leaving Chem and Sultan.)Chem: "so be it. Sultan said, you want to try? “Sultan: "Yeah I'm trying." (Sultan also suck cigarettes that had been given by the Chem.)(Shortly thereafter, Afiq come.)Afiq: "Hi all, else what?"Sultan: "smoking, try the fiq?"Afiq: "Oh, no."Chem: "Ah, how weak you are outrageous."Afiq: "Er, yes already here I try" (one take Afiq cigarette butts that has been smoked by Chem) "nothing good" (even discarding Afiq and stepped on the cigarette)Chem: (Chem was annoyed with Afiq) "Woy, what are you? “Afiq: (Afiq take forced cigarette butts from the mukamut Sultan, and then holding it) "cigarettes? First, know your goals both ngerokok? ”(They both pause)Afiq: "Smoking it does is charge, if I explain it later I practically sok tau. Did you not remember what described Bu Tira at that time? ”Chem: (somewhat upset over any Chem Word Afiq) "Ah, fear of you"Sultan: "did what?"Afiq, "Udah deh, in outline the dangers of smoking for yourself in now or in the future. Now! If you still ngisap tuh tobacco again, the effect was about to attack you would be breathing so you stock in the future. Hmm, dirt in the lungs until you died ga would disappear. ”Sultan: (matter coughed Sultan) "How cem? ”Chem: "what about what? Afraid of you? “Sultan: "Ah, ye Chem, you indeed want ngajak I committed suicide."Afiq: "Tuh kan, first new nyoba aja udah cough."Chem: "Ya udah heck sorry, I also just know the harm it." (Chem also picked up smoking which has been discarded by Afiq)Afiq: (Afiq also advised them both.) "Start again, never mind mending now you both deterrent ngisap tuh tobacco, because I've also."Chem & Sultan: "deh, Yeah we get it."Epilogue: Based on the play had been played earlier, Sultan invited Chem to try smoking, this makes Ofan irritated and leave them. Afiq, Lakamu also came to give information of the dangers of smoking to Chem and Sultan, Sultan & Chem was finally realized their mistake because it will try smoking. Lessons we can take from that is the drama shows the dangers of smoking, especially against teenagers like us this by having the effect of smoking in the present or future we will experience it later, and as friends we should remind our friends, so she was aware of and will not smoke again. Thank You. Wassalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
Dangers of smoking
Asslmkm. Wr. Wb. We will play a drama titled "Smoking Danger". It tells the story of a child who wants to try smoking, but after he understood the consequences of smoking, he gave up, and did not want to try another cigarette. Congratulations Watching. (In a quiet park, sitting ofan while learning mathematics, Sulthan suddenly came and sat next to ofan.) Sultan: "ofan, again doing you? " ofan "Yes again to learn was, time to eat again." Sulthan: "Still learning the times? hehehe. " ofan: "Tomorrow there is a repeat of Mathematics! " Sulthan: "Ah, just let lah. Males I learned! " (They were both silent for a moment) Sulthan: "Where the hell, Chem?" ofan: "Do, Chem where? " Sulthan: "Earlier, he told me to stall. " (Shortly thereafter, came Chem) Sulthan: "Buy what you, Chem? " Chem (Chem was whispering in Sulthan.) "I buy cigarettes ya. You want to try? " Sulthan: (Sulthan was tentatively accept cigarettes from Chem.) "Perhaps, yes Thanks Chem. " Chem: "Yes. " ofan: (ofan Chem will see smoke, lakamu he yelled) "Heii, what are you?" Chem: "Smoking, like a fan? " ofan: "You want to kill yourself huh? If you want to commit suicide do not have to take me! " Chem: "Who wants to commit suicide ?. You'd better nyobain wrote. "(Chem also offers butt to ofan.) ofan: (ofan any given refusing cigarette butts Chem) "No! I'd better look for another place ONLY! "(Ofan was moved left and Sulthan Chem.) Chem: "Yes I have. Sulthan, he said you want to try? " Sulthan: "Yes I am trying. "(Sulthan also smoke cigarettes that had been provided by Chem.) (Not long after, Afiq came.) Afiq: "Hi all, what else? " Sulthan: "Smoking, try FIQ?" Afiq: "Oh, no. " Chem "outrageous Ah, poor you. " Afiq: "Um, yes it is here I'll try" (Afiq was taking a cigarette butt that had been smoked by Chem) "There's no point" (Afiq was throwing cigarette and stepped on it) Chem (Chem was annoyed with Afiq deeds) "Woy , What are you doing? " Afiq: (Afiq forcibly took cigarette butts from Sulthan mukamut, and then holding it) "Cigarette? First, know the purpose you both ngerokok? " (They were both silent for a moment) Afiq: "Cigarettes are just that charge, if I explain later, I say quasi-tau. Indeed, you do not remember what time it was described Mrs. Tira? " Chem (Chem was a bit upset over the words Afiq) "Ah, you fear" Sultan: "It's what? " Afiq: "Let me, in outline the dangers of cigarettes for yourself in the present or the future. Now! If you still ngisap tuh tobacco again, the effect will attack your breathing you will be provision in the future. Hmm, cigarette dirt in the lungs until you die ga would disappear. " Sulthan: (Sulthan was coughing) "How cem? " Chem: "What about what? Fear ye? " Sulthan: "Ah, you Chem, you really want to invite me to commit suicide. " Afiq: "See, the first nyoba aja cough. " Chem "Fine heck sorry, I just know the dangers of it. "(Chem also took cigarettes that have been discarded by Afiq) Afiq: (Afiq also suggested the two of them.) "Start again, never mind mending now you both wary ngisap tuh tobacco, Because I also already. " Chem & Sulthan: "Yeah okay, we give up. " Epilogue: Based on the drama that has been played before, Sulthan Chem invited to try cigarettes, is made ​​ofan upset and left them. Lakamu, Afiq came to tell us about the dangers of smoking for Chem and Sulthan, Sulthan finally Chem & even aware of their mistake for trying cigarettes. One of the lessons we can take from last drama performance are the dangers of smoking, especially to teenagers who like us with the effects of smoking in the present or the future we will experience later, and as friends we should remind our friends, so that he is aware of and will not be smoking again. Thank you. Wassalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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