Judul Film : 5cm Sutradara : Rizal Mantovani Produser : Sunil Soraya G translation - Judul Film : 5cm Sutradara : Rizal Mantovani Produser : Sunil Soraya G English how to say

Judul Film : 5cm Sutradara : Rizal

Judul Film : 5cm
Sutradara : Rizal Mantovani
Produser : Sunil Soraya
Genre : Drama
Pemeran : Herjunot Ali, Fedi Nuril, Denny Sumargo, Raline Shah, Igor Saykoji, Pevita Pearce
Tanggal Rilis : 12 Desember 2012
Bahasa : Indonesia

Diangkat dari Novel National Bestseller ‘5cm’ karya Donny Dhirgantoro

Genima remaja yang telah menjalin persahabatan yang cukup lama, akhirnya pada suatu hari mereka berlima merasa "jenuh" dengan relationship ini, dan akhirnya mereka memutuskan berpisah untuk sementara dan berjanji tidak saling berhubungan dan berkomunikasi satu dengan yang lainnya selama 3 bulan.
Namun setelah 3 bulan berpisah, banyak kerinduan yang mereka rasakan. Dalam perpisahan singkat itu, mereka menemukan "sesuatu" yang merubah mereka untuk menjalani hidup lebih baik. Akhirnya mereka putuskan kembali untuk bertemu dan merayakan kembali pertemuan mereka dengan mendaki puncak tertinggi di Pulau Jawa yaitu Gunung Semeru.
Perjalanan mereka ke puncak Semeru untuk mengibarkan bendera Merah Putih di puncak tersebut tepat pada tanggal 17 Agustus. Sebuah perjalanan yang membuat kelima pemuda ini semakin mencintai Indonesia. Banyak aral melintang dalam perjalanan mereka menuju puncak.

Kisah ini menceritakan persahabatan antara lima pemuda yang bernama Genta yang diperankan Fedi Nuril, Arial (diperankan Denny Sumargo), Zafran (Herjunot Ali), Riani (Raline Shah), dan Ian diperankan oleh Igor "Saykoji". Film ini berdasarkan novel yang berjudul sama karya Donny Dhirgantoro. Resensi ini merupakan sebuah resensi film, jadi tidak dihubungkan dan tidak dibandingkan dengan novelnya. Penilaian yang dilihat dari film.
Humor, tingkah laku, dan percakapan yang terjadi bisa dianggap sebagai keseharian yang pernah terjadi di dunia nyata, tetapi tetap ada bagian yang memang tidak pantas terjadi di dunia nyata. Riani yang merupakan perempuan sendiri selalu menjadi bagian yang terlindungi daripada teman-temannya. Mereka berlima semuanya telah lulus masa kuliahnya, tetapi hanya Ian yang belum. Ian terlalu sibuk mengerjakan hal lain seperti bermain game, menonton film yang ‘biru’ dan uniknya selalu suka makan mie. Keunikan perempuan yang paling cantik ini, Riani selalu meminta kuah mie temannya. Arial yang memiliki tubuh atletis, bila kenalan dengan wanita lain, selalu grogi. Zafran memiliki keunikan berbeda pastinya, dia seorang yang puitis, dan menyukai adiknya Arial bernama Dinda. Hubungan mereka berdua selalu datar, hanya hubungan jalan di tempat. Genta, yang merupakan pekerja rajin dalam perusahaan bersama Riani, selalu terdiam bila bertatap-tatapan dengannya, dia menyukai Riani tapi tidak bisa diungkapkan walaupun mereka sudah kenal lama.
Pada suatu malam mereka main kerumah Arial, berkumpul ditempat mereka biasa ngobrol dan bersantai ria. Tanpa disangka-sangka Genta mempunyai sebuah gagasan yang bikin mereka merasa sedih sekaligus bimbang. Genta ingin mereka berlima selama tiga bulan tidak boleh bertemu maupun berkomunikasi dengan cara apapun. Selama itu kita harus melakukan kegiatan yang ingin dicapai tanpa berhubungan dengan mereka berlima. Riani merasa dia tidak kuat tanpa mereka semua yang selalu bersama dalam berkegiatan maupun berkomunikasi. Ian setuju, karena dia ingin menyelesaikan skripsinya yang telah lama dia abaikan. Dengan begitu dia bisa fokus akan kegiatanannya dengan menyelesaikan skripsi hingga sidang.
Kerja keras Ian sempat mengalami cobaan, tetapi Ian tetap tidak menyerah dia terus berusaha karena orang tua Ian telah merestui Ian untuk kuliah S2 di Manchester. Ian patah semangat saat dia memberi 300 lembar kuesioner ke salah satu perusahaan. Kuesioner Ian tentang SDM. Tetapi, disini kita bisa liat bahwa putus asanya kita, bila ada orang yang meminta bantuan ke kita, kita harus menolongnya, bukan karena putus asa kita jadi enggan menolong sesama. Ada salah seorang yang bekerja di tempat tersebut, dia ingin meminjam Dongkar ke Ian, tetapi Ian cuek, akhirnya dia meminjamkan dongkar milik Ian, dan kebetulan dia bekerja dalam mengurus SDM. Cocok seperti kuesioner yang Ian teliti.
Sementara itu Zafran sibuk menelpon adiknya Arial, namanya Dinda. Zafran selalu menelpon Dinda dengan obrolan yang itu-itu saja. Disini ada scene yang menarik dimana Zafran sedang random chat dengan salah satu akun untuk curhat. Bisa dibilang mirip ‘MIRc’ gitu. Ternyata Zafran bisa dibilang sedang ber-chat dengan Riani, yang scene selanjutnya menuju Riani yang sedang di kantor menunggu hujan reda. Sama yang sedang diobrolkan di chat Zafran. Riani memang sangat sedih akan keputusan tersebut. Dia merindukan sahabt-sahabatnya.
Selama satu bulan mereka semua mengalami kegiatan yang tidak biasa. Terutama Arial, pada saat dia sedang nge-gym, dia berhasil kenalan dengan seorang wanita bernama Nindi. Dia berani mengajak Nindi ke villa puncak orang tuanya. Tetapi dengan sopan mengajak Nindi, tanpa ada hal yang macam-macam. Kisah mereka ternyata terus berjalin hingga mendekati akhir film ini.
Tiga bulan lamanya telah berlalu, Genta menghubungi sahabatnya dan memberitahui mereka, selama seminggu, harus setiap hari latihan lari. Untuk mempersiapkan diri. Mereka berkumpul di stasiun kereta untuk keberangkatannya menuju tempat misterius yang Genta janjikan. Mereka semua telah datang, kecuali Ian yang masih dalam perjalanan. Kereta sudah bergerak, Ian pada saat itu baru muncul. Ian akhirnya berhasil naik ke dalam kereta, walaupun kelelalah mengejar kereta yang pada saat itu belum jauh.
Rasa penasaran mereka akhirnya terjawab, mereka akan mendaki menuju puncak Jawa tertinggi, di Mahameru. Mereka tidak hanya berlima, Arial mengajak adiknya Dinda. Berenam mereka mempersiapkan diri dari tempat penginapan hingga perjalanan mendaki ke puncak. Keindahan Mahameru dan sekitarnya begitu menakjubkan. Keindahan alam Indonesia yang memang tidak ada duanya di mana pun. Sebagai warga negara Indonesia, patut bersyukur atas apa yang Tuhan berikan, dari alam maupun isinya.
Kelucuan pun terjadi saat mereka sudah sampai di tanjakan cinta, dinamakan cinta karena bentuk dari tanjakan itu membentuk simbol ‘cinta’. Jika kita menanjak tanpa melihat kebawah dan memikirkan seorang wanita yang ingin kita miliki, dipercaya keinginannya akan terwujud. Zafran dan Ian langsung mendahului, bayangannya Zafran ingin berpasangan dengan Dindan dan Ian bersama Happy Salma. Tiba-tiba Genta memanggil mereka berdua dari bawah, otomatis Zafran dan Ian mengengok kebelakang, beberapa saat mereka akhirnya sadar, kekonyolan mereka berdua membuat mereka putus asa akan keinginannya.
Saat menegangkan pun tiba, mereka berlima sudah mencapai kaki Mahameru. Suhu di tempat tersebut sangat dingin, bila tidak banyak bergerak, tubuh bisa kaku kedinginan. Arial yang saat itu tidak kuat lagi, dengan dorongan semangat dari teman-temannya, dia akhirnya bisa melanjutkan mendaki. Kejadian saat mendaki kembali terjadi, runtuhan batu dan kerikil mengenai Dinda dan Ian, Dinda mengalami luka disamping kiri bagian bawah telinga, Ian pingsan karena terbentur runtuhan batu yang lumayan besar sangat keras dihadapannya. Mereka berlima menolong Ian, Genta berusaha membangunkan Ian dengan napas buatannya dan menekan bagian dadanya agar bisa sadar. Zafran yang pada saat itu sangat terpukul karena sahabatnya sudah tiada, dia berteriak memanggil Ian, dan Ian pun sadar dengan kesadaran yang lucu.

Setelah semuanya sadar dan kuat, mereka berhasil mencapai puncak Mahameru, puncak tertinggi di pulau Jawa. Mengibarkan bendera merah putih, melihat matahari terbit 17 Agustus.

Taruh puncak itu di depan kita, dan jangan lepaskan !
Yang kita perlukan adalah kaki yang berjalan lebih jauh, dan tangan yang berbuat lebih banyak
Leher yang akan lebih sering melihat ke atas
Mata yang akan menatap lebih lama dari biasanya
Lapisan tekad yang seribu kali lebih keras dari baja
Hati yang akan bekerja lebih keras
Serta mulut yang akan selalu berdoa
Dan setiap kali impian dan cita-cita muncul, letakkan di depan kening kita,
Jangan menempel, biarkan menggantung 5 cm di depan kening,
Supaya tidak terlepas dari mata kita
Dan yang bisa dilakukan seorang manusia terhadap mimpi dan keyakinannya adalah
Ia hanya tinggal mempercayainya.
Menurut penilaian saya pribadi dari segi film bukan buku :

Kelebihan : Judul film ini sangat unik dan pendek tapi memiliki cerita yang sangat menyentuh. Film yang bisa bikin penontonnya lebih menghargai dan meningkatnya rasa nasionalis bangsa Indonesia.
Kekurangan : Menampilkan Mahameru dan sekitarnya kurang diekspos secara luas, hanya sebagian yang kita lihat. Ada kecerobohan disalah satu adegan di stasiun kereta, saat Ian mengejar kereta yang sudah bergerak maju, dia mengejar pintu masuk yang sudah ditunggu teman-temannya, tetapi dibelakang ada pintu masuk yang terbuka. Seharusnya bila ingin terlihat lebih baik, Ian bisa langsung lewat pintu masuk yang dibelakangnya. Tetapi mungkin demi keselamatan Ian tidak ingin mengambil resiko bila terjadi kecelakaan karena tidak ada yang menarik Ian masuk. Karena badan Ian gemuk, jadi sulit dikendalikan.

Kesan dari film 5cm adalah Banyak pesan dan moral yang bisa kita ambil dalam film 5cm ini. Tidak ada kata penyesalan untuk menonton film 5cm, karena filmnya memang sangat bagus untuk ditonton :)
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
Movie title: 5 cm Director: Rizal Mantovani Producer: Sunil Soraya Genre: Drama Cast: Herjunot Ali, Fedi Nuril, Denny Sumargo, Raline Shah, Igor Saykoji, Pevita Pearce Release date: December 12, 2012 Language: Indonesia Lifted from the Novel National Bestseller ' 5 cm ' by Donny DhirgantoroSynopsis Genima teen who has a friendship long enough, eventually one day their five felt "saturated" with this relationship, and finally they decided to split up for a while and promises are not interconnected and communicating with each other for 3 months. However after 3 months separated, much longing they feel. In a brief farewell, they found "thing" change them to live a better life. Eventually they decide go back to meet and celebrate the return of their meeting with climbing the highest peak on the island of Java, Gunung Semeru. Their journey to the peak of Sumeru to hoist a red flag at the top of the White right on 17 August. A journey that makes this young man the fifth to love Indonesia. Many transverse aral on their way to the top.Reviewer This tells the story of the friendship between a young man named five Genta Fedi Nuril, played by Arial (played by Denny Sumargo), Zafran (Herjunot Ali), Riani (Raline Shah), and Ian is portrayed by Igor "Stevie Wonder". The film is based on the novel of the same name by Alex Dhirgantoro. This reviewer is a film reviewer, so its not connected and not compared to the novel. Assessment of the views of the film. Humor, behavior, and the conversations that happen can be considered everyday life that ever happened in the real world, but still there are parts that did not deserve a place in the real world. The women own Riani has always been a part of the protected than his peers. Those five have all been passed during his studies, but only Ian yet. Ian was too busy doing other things such as playing games, watching a movie ' blue ' unique and always like to eat noodles. The uniqueness of this most beautiful woman, Riani always asking his friend noodles soup. Athletic body has Arial, when acquaintances with other women, always grogi. Zafran has different uniqueness no doubt, he's a poetic, and like her sister my sister named Arial. The relationship the two of them are always flat, only road links in place. Genta, diligent worker who is in company with Riani, always speechless when bertatap-tatapan him, he liked Riani but could not disclosed even though they've known a long time. One night they play in Arial, gathered at the places they used to chat and relax ria. No provision unexpected Genta has an idea that makes them feel sad and dismayed. Some people want them to five for three months may not meet or communicate in any way. For that we must undertake activities to be achieved without dealing with those five. He does not feel strong Riani without all of them who are always together in the occupation as well as communicate. Ian agrees, because he wanted to finish the long skripsinya she ignore. With so she could focus will be kegiatanannya by completing a thesis until the hearing. Ian's hard work had undergone trials, but Ian still not giving up he kept trying because Ian had parents ask Ian for S2 lecture in Manchester. Ian daunted when he gave 300 sheet questionnaire to one company. Ian questionnaires about SDM. But, here we can see that the break up; us, when there are people who ask for help to us, we have to help him, not because of despair we so reluctant to help each other. There is one who works at the venue, he wants to borrow the Dongkar to Ian but Ian to be stoic, he finally lend the dongkar belongs to Ian, and coincidentally he was working in care of HUMAN RESOURCES. Suitable as a questionnaire that Ian meticulously. Meanwhile his sister called Arial busy Zafran, its my sister. Always call my sister with zafran chatter it-that's it. Here is an interesting scene where Zafran was random chat with one account to vent. Arguably similar to ' MIRc ' so. It was arguably the Zafran ber-chat with Riani, the scene next to the Office being Riani waiting for the rain to pass. The same is said in chat Zafran. Riani indeed very sad would be the decision. He misses his companions took-her best friend. For one month they are all experiencing unusual activity. Especially Arial, at a time when he was designing the gym, he made acquaintance with a woman named Nindi. He dared to invite the Nindi villa top of his parents. But politely invites Nindi, without any thing that messes. Their story is intertwined to hold it near the end of the film. Three months have passed, his old friend and contact memberitahui Genta them, during the week, daily exercise should be run. To prepare themselves. They gathered at the train station for his departure to the mysterious Genta promised. All of them have come, but Ian is still in transit. The train was moving at the time, Ian recently appeared. Ian finally managed to climb into the train, although the train Chase kelelalah who at the time was not far off. Their curiosity finally missed, they will climb to the top of the tallest, at Java Mahameru. They are not just five, her Sister invites Arial. Sixes they prepare from lodging place to hike to the top. The beauty of the Mahameru and the surroundings are so amazing. The natural beauty of Indonesia that is second to none anywhere. As a citizen of Indonesia, ought to be grateful for what God has given, from nature as well as its content. Cuteness was already up to the moment they occurred in slopes of love, because love is named after the shape of the climbs that form the symbol of ' love '. If we climb without looking down and thinking about a woman who wants us to have, is believed to have his wishes will be realized. Zafran and Ian directly precedes, the shade to pair with Dindan Zafran and Ian, along with Happy Salma. All of a sudden they're both calling Genta from below, automatic mengengok and Ian Zafran backwards, some when they finally realized, both their silliness makes them desperate to be his desire. When stressful even arrived, they had already reached five feet Mahameru. The temperature at the venue is very cool, if not a lot of motion, a rigid body can be cold. Arial then not strong anymore, with encouragement from his friends, he was finally able to resume climbing. Genesis then climb back occurs, the mound of stones and gravel about my sister, my sister and Ian were left beside the bottom of the ear, Ian passed out because of the crumbling stone bumps into larger very hard in front of him. They are five help Ian, Genta attempts to awaken his breath with Ian and pressing the chest to be aware of. Zafran who at that time was devastated because his friend was already there, he shouts called Ian, and Ian was realized with the awareness that was funny. After everything is conscious and powerful, they successfully reached the Summit of the highest peak, Mahameru in Java. A red and white flag, saw the rising sun August 17.Place the top of it in front of us, and do not release!We need is a foot that goes further, and the hands that do moreThe neck will more often look upThe eyes will stare longer than usualA layer of determination a thousand times harder than steelA heart that will work harderAs well as the mouth that will always prayAnd every time the dreams and ideals come up, put your feet in front of us,Don't stick, let it hang 5 cm in front of the brow,That is inseparable from our eyesAnd you can do a man against his conviction and is a dreamHe just lives by believing. According to my personal assessment of the film rather than the book: Pros: the title of this movie is very unique and has a short but the story is very touching. Movies that can make more appreciative audience and the increasing sense of nationalist nation Indonesia. Disadvantages: displays the Mahameru and the surrounding less widely exposed, only partly that we see. There is a carelessness subjected one scene at the train station, while Ian pursues the train is already moving forward, he pursued the entrance that had awaited his friends, but there is an entrance at the rear of the open. It should if you want to look better, Ian can be directly through the entrance behind him. But perhaps for the sake of the safety of Ian doesn't want to take the risk in case of an accident as there were no interesting Ian enters. Because Ian stout, so difficult to control.The impression of 5 cm is a lot of messages and morals that we can take in this 5 cm movie. There is no word of regret to watch the movie, because the movie does 5 cm very nice to watch:)
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]

Movie Title: 5cm
Director: Rizal Mantovani
Producer: Sunil Soraya
Genre: Drama
Starring: Herjunot Ali, Fedi Nuril, Denny Sumargo, Raline Shah, Igor Saykoji, Pevita Pearce
Release Date: December 12, 2012
Language: Indonesian Derived from Novel National Bestseller '5cm 'by Donny Dhirgantoro Synopsis Genima teenagers who have formed a friendship that is long enough, eventually one day five of them felt "saturated" with this relationship, and finally they decided to split up for a while and promised not interconnected and communicate with each other for 3 months . However, after 3 months of separation, many longing they feel. In a brief farewell, they find "something" that change them to live a better life. Finally they decided to return to meet and celebrate the return of their meeting with climbing the highest peak on the island of Java, Mount Semeru. Their journey to the summit of Semeru for flying the flag at the top of the right on 17 August. A journey that makes this young five more love Indonesia. Many gets in the way on their way to the summit. The reviewer tells the story of the friendship between the five young men who called Genta who played Fedi Nuril, Arial (played Denny Sumargo), Zafran (Herjunot Ali), Riani (Raline Shah), and Ian played by Igor " Saykoji ". The film is based on the novel of the same name Donny Dhirgantoro work. This reviewer is a movie reviewer, so it is not connected and are not compared with the novel. Assessment is seen from the film. Humor, behavior, and the conversation is going to be taken as a daily that has ever happened in the real world, but still there are parts that do not deserve to happen in the real world. Riani which is the women themselves have always been part of a protected than friends. All five of them have passed the college years, but Ian just yet. Ian was too busy doing other things like playing games, watching movies of the 'blue' and unique always like to eat noodles. The uniqueness of the most beautiful women of this, Riani always ask his noodle soup. Arial who has an athletic body, when acquaintance with another woman, always nervous. Zafran has a distinct uniqueness of course, he is a poetic, and like her sister Arial named Dinda. Their relationship is always flat, only the relationship in place. Genta, which is a diligent worker in the company together Riani, always silent when face to gaze with him, he liked Riani but can not be disclosed even if they had known a long time. At night they play home Arial, gathered their usual place to chat and relax. Unexpectedly Genta has an idea that makes them feel sad and indecisive. Genta want five of them for three months may not meet or communicate in any way. During that time we have to do the activities to be achieved without dealing with the five of them. Riani feel he is not strong without all those who were always together in activism and communicate. Ian agrees, because she wanted to finish her ​​thesis that has long been ignored. With so he could focus will kegiatanannya to complete the thesis until the trial. The hard work of Ian had experienced the ordeal, but Ian still did not give him keep trying because parents Ian Ian has been approved for college S2 in Manchester. Ian discouraged when he gave 300 pieces of questionnaires to one company. Ian questionnaire about HR. However, here we can see that we are desperate, when there are people who ask for help to us, we have to help him, not because we are so reluctant despair helping others. There was one who worked at the site, he wants to borrow Dongkar to Ian, but Ian cool, he finally lend dongkar owned Ian, and he happened to work in the care of the HR. Suitable as Ian thorough questionnaire. Meanwhile Zafran busy calling his sister Arial, name Dinda. Zafran always call Dinda with chatter that's it. Here there is an interesting scene where Zafran being random chat with one account to vent. You could say like 'mIRC' that. Turns Zafran arguably are pro-chat with Riani, the scene next to the Riani who was in the office waiting for the rain to stop. Same is being diobrolkan in chat Zafran. Riani indeed very sad for the decision. He missed sahabt-friend. For a month they all experience the unusual activity. Especially Arial, when he was the gym, he managed acquaintance with a woman named Nindi. He dared to invite Nindi to villa peak parents. But politely invite Nindi, without all sorts of things. Their story was continued to be tied to near the end of this movie. Three months have passed, Genta contacted his friend and memberitahui them, for a week, every day should be a practice run. To prepare. They gathered at the train station for departure to the mysterious place Genta promised. They all have come, but Ian is still on the way. Trains are already moving, Ian at the time emerging. Ian finally managed to climb onto the train, although kelelalah catch the train which at the time was not far away. Curiosity they finally answered, they will climb to the top of the highest Java, in Mahameru. They not only five members, Arial invites her sister Dinda. Six of them prepare from venue to trip up to the top. Mahameru beauty and surroundings is so amazing. Indonesia's natural beauty is unbeatable anywhere. As a citizen of Indonesia, to be grateful for what God has given, from the nature or content. cuteness ensued when they reached the ramp love, called love because of the shape of the ramp that form the symbol of 'love'. If we climb without looking down and think of a woman who wants us to have, believed his wish would come true. Zafran and Ian immediately precedes, shadow Zafran want to pair up with Dindan and Ian together Happy Salma. Suddenly Genta call them both from the bottom, automatic Zafran and Ian mengengok backward, while they finally realized they both make their silliness despair would desire. When stressful arrived, five of them had reached the foot Mahameru. Temperatures in the extremely cold place, if not a lot of moves, the body can numb. Arial who was not strong again, with the encouragement of his friends, he was finally able to continue the climb. Incident occurred when climbing back, to rock and gravel on and Ian Dinda, Dinda injured left side bottom of the ear, Ian fainted due to hit rock slides very hard sizable presence. The five help Ian, Genta tried to wake Ian with artificial breath and pressed his chest to be aware of. Zafran which at the time was very upset because his friend was gone, he shouted for Ian, and Ian was conscious awareness funny. After everything is conscious and strong, they managed to reach the top Mahameru, the highest peak on the island of Java. Flying the flag, see the sunrise on 17 August. Put peak was in front of us, and do not let go! What we need is the foot that goes further, and hands that do more neck to be more frequently look up eyes will stare longer than usual layer of determination that a thousand times harder than steel heart will work harder And the mouth that will always pray And every time dreams and aspirations appear, put in front of our forehead, Do not stick, let it hang 5 cm in front brow, So that can not be separated from our eyes And that could be a man of the dream and the belief is he only lived to believe. According to my personal assessment in terms of the film is not a book: Pros: The title of this film is very unique and the short but has a very touching story. The film can make the audience more appreciative and increased sense of nationalist Indonesian nation. Disadvantages: Displays Mahameru and surrounding areas less exposed widely, we see only partially. There was carelessness in one scene at the train station, while Ian catch the train that has been moving forward, he chased the entrance that has been awaited his friends, but behind there is the entrance open. Supposedly if you want to look better, Ian can be directly through the entrance behind him. But perhaps for the sake of safety Ian did not want to take the risk of accidents because nothing exciting Ian entry. Because Ian body fat, so it is difficult to control. The impression of the movie is a lot of 5cm and a moral message that we can take in a movie this 5cm. There is no word of regret for watching movies 5cm, because the film is very nice to watch :)

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