1. Tempat Wisata di Kecamatan Insana Utara.  Di kecamatan Insana Utara translation - 1. Tempat Wisata di Kecamatan Insana Utara.  Di kecamatan Insana Utara English how to say

1. Tempat Wisata di Kecamatan Insan

1. Tempat Wisata di Kecamatan Insana Utara.
Di kecamatan Insana Utara, ada sebuah tempat wisata yang disebut Gua Sasali. Gua Sasali berbentuk gua yang dibentuk alami oleh alam. Orang-orang yang berada di kecamatan tersebut dapat pergi ke Gua Sasali dengan mengendarai motor ataupun mobil. Jarak dari kecamatan ke Gua Sasali adalah 5 km. Selain itu ada juga tempat wisata lain yang disebut Tanjung Bastian. Tanjung Bastian juga berbentuk gua yang dibentuk alami oleh alam, tetapi sedikit direnovasi sehingga terlihat lebih indah. Didalam gua itu, ditaruh sebuah patung Bunda Maria. ketika berkunjung kesana, orang-orang yang bergama Katholik juga berdoa disana karena itu juga merupakan religi. Jarak dari kecamatan ke Tanjung Bastian sekitar 1 km, sehingga orang yang berada di kecamatan tersebut dapat berjalan kaki kesana.
2. Tempat Wisata di Kecamatan Insana Barat.
Di kecamatan Insana Barat, terdapat sebuah rumah adat yang biasa digunakan untuk berpesta sehingga rumah adat itu disebut Pesta Rumah Adat. Jarak dari kecamatan ke rumah adat adalah sekitar 8 km. Jadi orang yang berada di kecamatan itu dapat mengendarai sepeda motor kesana. Ada juga kali Asbam yang terletak di sebuah desa yang bernama Subun. Jarak dari kecamatan ke kali itu adalah 17 km, sehingga orang yang ingin pergi kesana dapat mengendarai motor. Selain itu ada gunung Lapeom yang jaraknya 12 km dari kecamatan. Ada juga sebuah desa yang disebut desa Banaek. Orang yang boleh masuk kedesa itu harus seorang laki-laki, dan tidak boleh mengenakan pakaian karena desa itu sangat keramat.
3. Tempat Wisata di Kecamatan Biboki Utara.
Di kecamatan Biboki Utara terdapat sebuah desa yang namanya desa Kolutais. Di desa itu ada banyak batu akik. Batu akik banyak dicari orang karena warna batunya bagus, dan dapat dibentuk menjadi batu yag halus dan dapat diguakan pada cincin,kalung, gelang,dan lain-lain sebagai hiasan. Jaraknya dari kecamatan adalah 62 km, sehingga jika orang-orang yang berada di kecamatan ingin pergi ke desa itu membutuhkan sekitar 1 jam dan dapat menggunakan motor untuk sampai kesana. Selain itu ada juga kali Autias yang jaraknya 63 km. Jadi orang yang ingin pergi kesana dapat menggunakan motor dan membutuhkan sekitar 1 jam untuk sampai kesana.
4. Tempat Wisata di Kecamatan Insana Tengah.
Di kecamatan Insana Tengah ada sebuah rumah adat yang disebut Sonaf Maubes. Jaraknya dari kecamatan adalah 24 km. Jadi jika orang yang ada di kecamatan ingin pergi kesana dapat menggunakan motor da membutuhkan sekitar 30 menit untuk sampai kesana.
5. Tempat Wisata di Kecamatan Insana Induk.
Di kecamatan Insana Induk ada sebuah gua yang disebut gua Bitauni. Gua ini terbentuk alami dari alam dan juga merupakan salah satu wisata religi. Jaraknya dari kecamatan sekitar 8 km, sehingga orang yang berada di kecamatan itu dapat menggunakan motor untuk sampai ke gua itu. Tetapi jaraknya dari kota kabupaten adalah 30 km,jadi jika orang yang berada di kota kabupatenn ingin pergi kesana membutuhkan sekitar 40 menit untuk sampai kesana dan dapat menggunakan sepeda motor. Selain itu ada juga sebuah kali yang disebut kali Benkoko yang jaraknya dari kecamatan adalah 37 km.
6. Tempat Wisata di Kecamatan Naibenu.
Di kecamatan Naibenu ada sebuah kolam alami yang dibentuk oleh alam yang disebut Niufulan. Kolam ini tepatnya berada di desa Benus. Jarakya dari kecamatan adalah 33 km. Ada juga sebuah rumah adat yang disebut rumah adat Usi Meko dan Uiskiteb yang dekat dengan kolam Niufulan. Jaraknya dari kecamatan adalah 33 km. Di kecamatnan Naibenu juga ada sebuah gua yang disebut gua Maria Paroki St. Yosef Manamas. Jarak dari kecamatan ke gua itu sekitar 37 km. Orang-orang yang berada di kecamatan Naibenu dapat pergi ketempat-tempat yang tadi disebutkan menggunakan Motor dan membutuhkan sekitar 40-60 menit untuk sampai kesana.
7. Tempat Wisata di Kecamatan Miomafo Timur.
Di kecamatan Miomafo Timur ada hutan Femnasi yang didalamnya ada sebuah kolam renang. Jaraknya dari kecamatan kurang lebih 8 km. Ada juga wisata religi yaitu Gua Maria Fatima Ba’en dan juga gua Puna Sina. Jaraknya dari kecamatan sekitar 5 km. Orang-oarang yang berada di kecamatan tersebut dapat menggunakan motor untuk pergi kesana.
8. Tempat Wisata di Kecamatan Bikomi Nillulat.
Di kecamatan Bikomi Nilulat tidak ada tempat wisata, hanya ada sebuah gunung yang bernama gunung Fakofolai. Jaraknya dari kecamatan adalah 35 km.
9. Tempat Wisata di Kecamatan Bikomi Utara.
Di kecamatan Bikomi Utara ada sebuah tempat wisata religi berbentuk gua yang namanya gua Maria Fatima. Didekat gua itu ada sebuah lapangan bola voli, yang sering digunakan warga pada sore hari untuk bermain bola voli. Letaknya di desa Sainoni. Jaraknya dari kecamatan adalah 16 km. Orang yang berada di kecamatan tersebut jika ingin pergi kesana dapat menggunakan sepeda motor. Ada juga sungai Noelekat tepatnya di perbatasan negara Timor Leste. Jaraknya dari kecamatan adalah 21 km. Selain itu da juga gunung yang disebut gunung Lapindo. Jaraknya dari kecamatan adalah 18 km.
10. Tempat Wisata di Kecamatan Bikomi Tengah.
Di keamatan Bikomi Tengah tidak ada tempat wisata yang dapat dikunjungi. Hanya ada sebuah kali, namanya kali Maumolo yang jaraknya kurang lebih 1 km dari kecamatan. Ada juga kolam dari tanah yang biasa disebut cegdam. Jaraknya dari kecamatan adalah 5 km.
11. Tempat Wisata di Kecamatan Miomafo Tengah.
Di kecamatan Miomafo Tengah ada sebuah tempat wisata religi berbantuk gua yang disebut gua Suti. Gua Suti letaknya di desa Bijaipasu. Jaraknya dari kecamatn adalah 1 km. Jadi orang yang ada di kecamatan dapat berjalan kaki untuk sampai ketempat itu. Didesa Bijaipasu juga ada bukit Noenasi dan bukit Bijaipasu. Jaraknya dari kecamatan masing-masing 4 km dan 1 km.
12. Tempat Wisata di Kecamatan Noemuti Timur.
Di kecamatan Noemuti Timur tidak ada tempat wisata. Tetapi hanya ada sebuah sungai yang namanya sungai Benenain yang jaraknya sekitar 39 km dari kecamatan. Ada juga sebuah bendungan yang disebut bendungan Haekto, yang tepatnya berada di desa Haekto.
13. Tempat Wisata di Kecamatan Noemuti.
Di kecamatan Noemuti ada sebuah tempat wisata namanya Oeluan. Didalamnya ada sebuah kolam renang, tetapi kolam renang itu adalah kolam renang buatan manusia. Ada juga pohon-pohon yang sudah lama ditanam sehingga pohonnya sudah besar. Selain itu di dalam oeluan ada juga perminan anak-anak seperti ayunan dan lain-lain, sehingga ketika ada orang yang berkunjung kesana dan membawa anak-anak, mereka dapat berenang dan juga bermain permainan itu disana. Jarak dari kota kabupaten ke oeluan sekitar 20 km dan jaraknya dari kecamatan sekitar 5 km. Orang dari kabupaten yang ingin pergi ke Oeluan membutuhkan sekitar 30 menit dan dapat menggunakan sepeda motor. Di kecamatan Noemuti juga ada sebuah gua yang namanya gua Haurakin yang jaraknya sekitar 24 km.
14. Tempat Wisata di Kecamatan Musi.
Di kecamatan Musi ada gua yang disebut gua Sanmoen dan gua Maria Fatima. Letak gua Maria Fatima berada di desa Kote. Jaraknya dari kecamatan adalah 17 km. Selain itu juga ada benteng Naktimun yang jaraknya 19 km dari kecamatan.Orang yang ingin pergi ke gua dan benteng membutuhkan sekitar 25 menit dan menggunakan sepeda motor.
15. Tempat Wisata di Kecamatan Mutis.
Di kecamatan Mutis ada sebuah tempat wisata berupa air terjun. Namanya air terjun Pahkoto. Jaraknya kurang lebih 34 km dari kecamatan. Selain itu ada juga rumah adat yang namanya rumah adat Naluke yang jaraknya 45 km dari kecamatan . Rumah adat Naluke berada di desa Naikake B. Ada juga sebuah bukit yang disebut bukit cinta. Jaraknya 35 km dari kecamatan. Untuk pergi ketempat-tempat yang tadi sudah disebutkan membutuhkan sekitar 50-60 menit menggunakan sepeda motor.
16. Tempat Wisata di Kecamatan Miomafo Barat.
Di kecamatan Miomafo Barat tidak ada tempat wisata yang bisa dikunjungi. Hanya ada gunung yang disebut gunung Mutis. Jaraknya dari kecamatan adalah 34 km. Ada juga sungai yang disebut sungai Noebesi yang jaraknya 17 km dari kecamatan dan sungai Noetoko yang jaraknya 15 km dari kecamatan.
17. Tempat Wisata di Kecamatan Biboki Anleu.
Di kecamatan Biboki Anleu ada pantai yang disebut pantai Aitaman yang jaraknya 95 km dari kecamatan dan Pantai Faularan yang jaraknya 90 km dari kecamatan. Untuk pergi kesana membutuhkan 1-2 jam menggunakan sepeda motor.
18. Tempat Wisata di Kecamatan Bikomi Selatan.
Di kecamatan Bikomi Selatan tidak ada tempat wisata yang dapat dikunjungi, hanya ada bukit Naenin yang jaraknya 20 km dari kecamatan dan bukit Morisu yang jaraknya 27 km dari kecamatan. Selain itu juga ada kolam dari tanah yang disebut cegdam, namanya cegdam Niola yang jaraknya9 km dari kecamatan.
19. Tempat Wisata di Kecamatan Biboki Selatan.
D kecamatan Biboki Selatan hanya ada rumah adat yang disebut rumah adat Tamkesi yang jaraknya dari kecamatan adalah 7 km, dan jaraknya dari kabupaten adalah 47 km. Rumah adat ini berada ditengah-tengah hutan, jadi disekeliling rumah adat ini tidak ada rumah-rumah penduduk, yang ada hanya pohon-pohon yang besar. Rumah adat ini juga sangat keramat sehingga, jika berjalan menuju ke rumah adat itu ada beberapa larangan yang harus di patuhi, karena kalau tidak dipatuhi maka akan terjadi sesuatu yang tidak diinginkan. Orang dari kabupaten yang ingin pergi kerumah adat itu dapat menggunakan sepeda motor, tetapi ketika sampai ke kecamatan dan ingin pergi kerumah adat itu harus berjalan kaki sekitar 7 km karena harus melewati hutan-hutan.
20. Tempat Wisata di Kecamatan Biboki Tanpah.
Di kecamatan Biboki Tanpah tidak terdapat tempat wisata, tetapi Kecamatan Biboki Tanpah merupakan tempat tambang marmer.Tempat tambang marmer letaknya di desa Besanaek. Jarak dari kecamatan ke tempat tambang marmer sekitar 48 km. Ada juga gunung yang namanya gunung Niba-niba, yang jaraknya 49 km dari kecamatan. Di kecamatan Biboki Tanpah juga ada areal p
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
1. Tourist places in district of Northern Insana. Insana Utara District, there is a place called tourist Caves Sasali. Caves cave-shaped Sasali formed naturally by nature. People who were in the Sub can go to the cave Sasali by riding motorcycles or cars. The distance from the Sub to the cave is 5 km Sasali. There are also other attractions called Tanjung Bastian. Tanjung Bastian also shaped caves formed naturally by nature, but slightly renovated so it looks more beautiful. Inside the cave, placed a statue of the Virgin Mary. When visiting there, the people who pray there also Catholic bergama because it is also a religion. The distance from the Sub to the Tanjung Bastian is about 1 km away, so that people who are in the Sub can walk there. 2. Tourist places in district of Western Insana. In the West, Insana there is a traditional House that is commonly used for partying so called traditional house traditional House Party. The distance from the Sub to the Custom House is about 8 km. so people who were in the Sub that can drive a motorcycle there. There are also times Asbam which is situated in a village named Subun. The distance from the Sub to the time it is 17 km away, so that people who want to go there to be riding a motorcycle. In addition there is the mountain Lapeom the distance is 12 km from the Sub. There is also a village called village of Banaek. The person may come kedesa it has to be a man, and must not wear clothes because the village was very sacred.3. Tourist places in district of Northern Biboki. Biboki Utara District there is a village named after the village of Kolutais. In the village there are many agate. Agate sought-after people because of the color of the stone, and can be molded into cubes that can be refined and used in rings, necklaces, bracelets, and others as a decoration. Its distance from the subdistrict is 62 km, so if those who are in want to go to the village it takes about 1 hour and can use a motor to get there. In addition there is also a Autias times the distance is 63 km away. So people who want to go to that folder can use the motor and requires about 1 hour to get there.4. Tourist places in district of Insana. In the middle there is a Insana custom homes called Sonaf Maubes. Its distance from the subdistrict is 24 km. so if people want to go in there to be able to use motor da takes about 30 minutes to get there.5. Tourist places in district Parent Insana. In the cave there is a Parent Insana called the cave of Bitauni. This cave is formed naturally from nature and is also one of religious tourism. The distance is about 8 km from the Sub, so people who were in the Sub that can use a motor to get to the cave. But away from the county town is 30 km, so if people who are in the city of kabupatenn want to go there takes about 40 minutes to get there and be able to use the bike. In addition there is also a time called the times Benkoko just from the subdistrict is 37 km.6. Tourist places in district Naibenu. In Naibenu there is a natural pools formed by nature that is called Niufulan. This pool at the village Benus. Jarakya of the subdistrict is 33 km. There is also a custom house called rumah adat Usi Meko and Uiskiteb close to the outdoor Niufulan. Its distance from the subdistrict is 33 km. In kecamatnan Naibenu there is also a cave is called gua Maria Parish St. Joseph Manamas. The distance from the Sub to the cave that's about 37 km. people residing in district Naibenu can go to the last mentioned using the Motor and need about 40-60 minutes to get there.7. Miomafo Subdistrict of attractions in the East. Miomafo subdistrict in the East there is a Femnasi inside the forest there is a swimming pool. Its distance from the Sub-District of approximately 8 km. There are also religious tourism that is the cave of Maria Fatima Ba'en and also the cave of Puna Sina. Its distance from the Sub-District of about 5 km. oarang-People who are in the Sub can use motors to go there.8. Tourist places in district Bikomi Nillulat. In district Bikomi Nilulat there are no tourist attractions, there is a mountain called mount Fakofolai. Its distance from the subdistrict is 35 km. 9. Tourist places in district of North Bikomi. In the North there is a Bikomi religious tourism-shaped Cave the name of gua Maria Fatima. Near the cave there is a volleyball court, which often used the citizens in the afternoon to play volleyball. It is located in the village of Sainoni. Its distance from the Sub is 4 km. People residing in the Sub if you want to go there to be able to use the bike. There is also the Noelekat River at the border of East Timor. Its distance from the subdistrict is 21 km. Additionally da is also the mountain called mount Lapindo. Its distance from the subdistrict is 18 km. 10. Tourist places in district of Central Bikomi. In the Middle Bikomi keamatan there are no tourist attractions that can be visited. There is only a time, his name is Maumolo times the distance is approximately 1 km from the Sub. There is also a pool of land commonly called cegdam. Its distance from the subdistrict is 5 km away.11. Miomafo Subdistrict of attractions in the middle. Miomafo subdistrict in the middle there is a religious tourism berbantuk cave is called gua Suti. The cave sits Suti village of Bijaipasu. Its distance from kecamatn is 1 km. So people can walk in to get where it is. There is also Bijaipasu Didesa Noenasi Hill and Bijaipasu Hill. Its distance from the respective Sub District 4 km and 1 km.12. Tourist attractions in East Noemuti. East Noemuti District No. But there is only a river named the river Benenain which distance is approximately 39 km from the Sub. There is also a dam called the Haekto dam, which is at the village of Haekto.13. Tourist places in district Noemuti. In Noemuti there is a tourist place name Oeluan. Inside there is a swimming pool, but the pool it was a manmade pool. There are also trees that have long planted so the tree is already large. In addition in oeluan there were also perminan children like swings and others, so that when there are people who visit there and bring the kids, they can swim and also played that game there. Distance from the town to the oeluan about 20 km and its distance from the Sub-District of about 5 km. from the district that People want to go to Oeluan takes about 30 minutes and can use the motorcycle. In Noemuti there is also a cave named Haurakin caves which are about 24 km. 14. Tourist places in Musi. In district there is a cave called Musi cave and Sanmoen Cave of Maria Fatima. The location of the cave of Maria Fatima in the village of Kote. Its distance from the subdistrict is 17 km away. In addition there is also a Fort Naktimun just 19 km from the Sub. People who want to go to the cave and the Castle takes about 25 minutes and using motorcycles. 15. Attractions Sub Mutis. Mutis in district there is a tourist spot in the form of a waterfall. The name of the waterfall Pahkoto. The distance is approximately 34 km from districts. In addition there is also a traditional house traditional house name Naluke the distance is 45 km from districts. Naluke traditional house in the village of Naikake b. There is also a hill called the Mount of love. The distance is 35 km from the Sub. To go to the place that's been mentioned above need about 50-60 minutes using a motorcycle.16. Miomafo Subdistrict of attractions in the West. Miomafo subdistrict in West there is no tourist attractions that can be visited. There is only a mountain called mount Mutis. Its distance from the subdistrict is 34 km. There is also a river called the river Noebesi just 17 km from river Noetoko districts and just 15 km from the Sub. 17. Tourist places in district Biboki Anleu. Biboki Anleu, in district there is a beach called Aitaman Beach which distance is 95 km from the Coastal districts and the Faularan distance is 90 km from the Sub. To go there in need of 1-2 hours of use on a motorcycle.18. Tourist attractions in South Bikomi. In the South Bikomi there are no tourist attractions that can be visited, there were just Hill Naenin the distance is 20 km from the Morisu Hill districts and 27 km away from the Sub. In addition there is also a pool of land called cegdam, his name is cegdam the jaraknya9 Niola km from districts. 19. the place of interest in district South Biboki Biboki Selatan subdistrict d there's only traditional house traditional house called Tamkesi which are of the subdistrict is 7 km, and its distance from the district is 47 KMS. Traditional House is situated in the midst of the forest, so this custom homes surrounding no houses, of which there are only large trees. Custom House is also very sacred so that, if it goes to the customs that there are some restrictions that must be follow, because if not kept then it will happen something undesirable. People from the district who want to go home, it can use a custom motorcycle, but when it gets to the districts and want to go home to that customs must walk about 7 km because it must pass through the forests.20. Tourist places in district Biboki Tanpah. In Tanpah there is no Biboki tourist attractions, but the Sub Tanpah is where the Biboki marble quarries. Place a marble mine located in the village of Besanaek. The distance from sub to place marble quarry about 48 KMS. There is also a mountain named mount Niba-niba, which are 49 km from the Sub. In the area there is also the Tanpah Biboki p
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
1. Places in the District of North Insana.
In North Insana districts, there is a tourist spot called Cave Sasali. Sasali cave shaped natural caves formed by nature. People residing in these districts can go to the Cave Sasali with riding a motorcycle or a car. Distance from district to Sasali Cave is 5 km. There was also another tourist place called Cape Bastian. Tanjung Bastian also form a natural cave formed by nature, but slightly remodeled so it looks more beautiful. Inside the cave, placed a statue of the Virgin Mary. when a visit there, the people who bergama Catholics also pray there because it is also a religion. Distance from district to Tanjung Bastian approximately 1 km, so that people who are in these districts can walk there.
2. Places in the District of West Insana.
In districts Insana West, there is a traditional house which is used for partying so it was called the Feast of the traditional house traditional house. The distance from the district to the traditional house is about 8 km. So people who were in the district that can ride a motorcycle there. There are also times Asbam located in a village called Subun. The distance from the district to the time it is 17 km, so that people who want to go there can drive a motorcycle. Additionally there is a mountain Lapeom a distance of 12 km from the district. There is also a village called Banaek village. People who are allowed to enter kedesa it must be a man, and should not wear clothes because the village was very sacred.
3. Places in the District of North Biboki.
In the districts of North Biboki there is a village whose name Kolutais village. In the village there is a lot of agate. Agate much sought after because of the color of good stone, and can be formed into smooth stone and can diguakan yag on rings, necklaces, bracelets, and others as decoration. The distance from the district is 62 km, so if people are in the district wanted to go to the village it takes about 1 hour and can use the bike to get there. In addition there are also times Autias a distance of 63 km. So people who want to go there can use motors and require approximately 1 hour to get there.
4. Places in District Central Insana.
In Central Insana districts there is a traditional house called Sonaf Maubes. The distance from the district is 24 km. So if there are people who want to go there in the district can use the motor da takes about 30 minutes to get there.
5. Places in the District Parent Insana.
In the sub-district Parent Insana there is a cave called the cave Bitauni. These caves are formed naturally from nature and also one religious tourism. The distance is about 8 km from the district, so that people who are in the districts can use the motor to get to the cave. But away from the district town is 30 km, so if people are in town kabupatenn want to go there takes about 40 minutes to get there and be able to use the motorcycle. There was also a time called time Benkoko a distance from the district is 37 km.
6. Places in District Naibenu.
In districts Naibenu there is a natural pool formed by nature called Niufulan. Swimming is precisely located in the village Benus. Jarakya of districts is 33 km. There is also a traditional house called traditional house Usi Meko and Uiskiteb near Niufulan pool. The distance from the district is 33 km. In kecamatnan Naibenu there is also a cave called the Cave of Mary Parish Yosef Manamas. The distance from the district to the cave about 37 km. People who are in the district Naibenu can go to the place where the mentioned using a motor and takes about 40-60 minutes to get there.
7. Places in District East Miomafo.
In the East there Miomafo districts Femnasi forest in which there is a swimming pool. The distance from the district of approximately 8 km. There is also religious tourism, namely Gua Maria Fatima Ba'en and also cave Puna Sina. The distance from the district about 5 km. The JV located in the district can use the motor to go there.
8. Places in District Bikomi Nillulat.
In districts Bikomi Nilulat no sights, just a mountain called Mount Fakofolai. The distance from the district is 35 km.
9. Places in the District of North Bikomi.
In the districts of North Bikomi there is a religious tourist spot shaped cave whose name the cave Maria Fatima. Near the cave there is a volleyball court, which is often used by people in the afternoon to play volleyball. It is in the village Sainoni. The distance from the district is 16 km. People who are in these districts if they want to go in there could use a motorcycle. There are also river Noelekat precisely on the border of East Timor. The distance from the district is 21 km. Additionally da also mountain called Mount Lapindo. The distance from the district is 18 km.
10. Places in District Central Bikomi.
In keamatan Middle Bikomi not have attractions that can be visited. Only there is a time, times Maumolo name a distance of approximately 1 km from the district. There is also a pool of land commonly called cegdam. The distance from the district is 5 km.
11. Places in District Central Miomafo.
In Central Miomafo districts there is a religious tourist spot berbantuk cave called the cave Suti. Suti cave is located in the village Bijaipasu. The distance from kecamatn is 1 km. So people who are in the district can walk to get to the place it was. Didesa Bijaipasu also Noenasi hills and hills Bijaipasu. The distance from each district 4 km and 1 km.
12. Places in District East Noemuti.
In the districts East Noemuti no tourist attractions. But there is a river whose streams Benenain name a distance of about 39 km from the district. There is also a dam called Haekto dam, which is precisely located in the village Haekto.
13. Places in District Noemuti.
In districts Noemuti there is a tourist place name Oeluan. Inside there is a swimming pool, but the pool is a man-made swimming pool. There are also trees that had long been planted so that the tree is large. Also in there are also perminan oeluan children like swings and others, so that when there are people who visit there and bring the kids, they can swim and play that game there. The distance from the district town to oeluan about 20 km and the distance from the district about 5 km. People of the district who wanted to go to Oeluan takes about 30 minutes and be able to use the motorcycle. Noemuti in the district there is also a cave whose name the cave Haurakin a distance of about 24 km.
14. Places in District Musi.
In districts Musi there is a cave called the cave and cave Sanmoen Maria Fatima. Maria Fatima lies the cave is located in the village of Kote. The distance from the district is 17 km. There was also a fortress Naktimun a distance of 19 km from kecamatan.Orang who want to go to the cave and the castle takes about 25 minutes and a motorbike.
15. Places in District Mutis.
In districts Mutis there is a tourist place in the form of a waterfall. His name Pahkoto waterfall. The distance is approximately 34 km from the district. There was also the custom home custom home Naluke name a distance of 45 km from the district. Naluke traditional house in the village Naikake B. There is also a hill called hill love. The distance is 35 km from the district. To go to the place where it had been mentioned that it takes about 50-60 minutes on a motorbike.
16. Places in District Miomafo West.
In the sub-district of West Miomafo no place that can be visited. Only there is a mountain called Mount Mutis. The distance from the district is 34 km. There is also a river called the river Noebesi a distance of 17 km from the district and the river Noetoko a distance of 15 km from the district.
17. Places in District Biboki Anleu sub-district.
In the districts Biboki Anleu sub-district there is a beach called beach Aitaman a distance of 95 km from the district and the beach Faularan a distance of 90 km from the district. To go there requires 1-2 hours using a motorcycle.
18. Places in the District of South Bikomi.
In South Bikomi districts do not have attractions that can be visited, there is only a distance Naenin hill 20 km from the district and the hill Morisu a distance of 27 km from the district. There was also a pool of land called cegdam, name cegdam Niola that jaraknya9 km from the district.
19. Places in the District of South Biboki.
D South Biboki districts there are only a traditional house called traditional house Tamkesi a distance from the district is 7 km, and the distance of the district is 47 km. This custom home is located in the midst of the jungle, so around this traditional house no houses, there are only big trees. This custom home is also very sacred so that, if it goes toward the traditional house there are some restrictions that must be obeyed, because if not adhered to, there will be something undesirable. People from the district who want to go home custom motorcycle it can use, but when it comes to the district and wanted to go home customary must walk about 7 km because it must pass through the forests.
20. Places in District Biboki Tanpah.
In districts Biboki Tanpah there are no tourist attractions, but the District Biboki marmer.Tempat Tanpah is a marble quarry mine is located in the village Besanaek. The distance from the district to the marble quarry about 48 km. There is also a mountain whose name NIBA-NIBA mountain, a distance of 49 km from the district. Tanpah Biboki in the district there are also areas of p
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