segmen terbaru dari acara anak-anak ABC

segmen terbaru dari acara anak-anak

segmen terbaru dari acara anak-anak ABC " Anak Apakah Orang Terlalu " dilatih kamera pada dunia Bronx SMA terkenal Science. Sebagai lidah di pipi berakhir wartawan bertanya kelas dia telah mewawancarai untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada para penonton TV dengan cara yang paling " serius dan cerdas " . Tak perlu dikatakan , adegan kegembiraan massa direncanakan terjadi . Dengan beberapa ambilvalence , saya juga telah menempel pin ke dalam mitos yang berhubungan dengan Bronx Science. Ketika teman-teman dan kenalan mengekspresikan kekaguman tertentu pada fisika mengajar saya untuk apa yang mereka bayangkan harus jenius atau setidaknya dekat jenius , kejujuran menyatakan bahwa saya menetapkan mereka langsung . Untungnya bagi perawakan saya, saya tidak berpikir cukup percaya padaku . Mitos berlanjut.
Apa yang membuat BHHS sekolah terutama diinginkan di mana untuk mengajar adalah bahwa mahasiswa termotivasi , jika tidak selalu dengan cinta belajar , hampir selalu oleh keinginan untuk mencapai . Dalam lingkungan seperti kekuatan tanda memerintah tertinggi , dan , dibandingkan dengan sekolah-sekolah perkotaan lainnya , di kelas masalah disiplin jarang terjadi . Kami memiliki pangsa yang baik dari anak-anak berbakat intelektual dan mungkin seorang jenius sesekali , tapi kemudian kami memiliki lebih dari taburan siswa yang tidak fuction akademis . Cara terbaik untuk menggambarkan siswa kami adalah untuk mengatakan bahwa sebagian besar akan pergi untuk pendidikan tinggi untuk menjadi programmer , dokter , guru , akuntan , insinyur , pengacara , dan sebagainya . Ekor dari distribusi normal akan mencapai kedalaman kegagalan atau ketinggian kesuksesan pribadi.
Bagaimana kita mencapai homogenitas ini? BHSS, di antara beberapa khusus sekolah New York citty tinggi lainnya, memiliki hak istimewa administrasi ujian masuk ke beberapa ribu delapan dan sembilan siswa kelas setiap tahun. Pemeriksaan 1,5 jam terdiri dari bagian pendek kosakata, bagian comprehention agak lama membaca, dan bagian mathenatics 45 menit. Dengan pengecualian dari sekitar 100 anak yang dirawat melalui program "penemuan", anak-anak dengan nilai tertinggi diterima. Meskipun sekolah diarahkan untuk untuk kurikulum ilmu khusus tidak ada upaya untuk menyaring anak-anak atas dasar kepentingan ilmu pengetahuan atau bakat. Mekanisme screning utama, saya percaya, adalah salah satu skrining diri. Hal ini terutama anak-anak dan orang tua mereka yang termotivasi untuk mencapai yang melihat sekolah tinggi khusus New York City sebagai kemungkinan untuk diri mereka sendiri. Beberapa SMP memiliki staf yang secara aktif mendorong elit akademis mereka untuk menerapkan, tetapi jumlah sekolah tersebut sulit untuk menebak. Sebagai obat parsial untuk situasi ini, kepala sekolah kami saat ini telah acttively mempromosikan program outreach di mana anak-anak SMP dibawa ke sekolah untuk berkenalan dan untuk berpartisipasi dalam proyek instruksi ilmu. Dalam program ini, anak-anak yang dibawa seminggu sekali dan diajarkan teknik laboratorium dasar. Yang menurutnya salah satu kolega saya yang terlibat dalam program ini, banyak anak-anak tidak pernah ditangani peralatan ilmu before.Their menyenangkan yang ia menjelaskan kepada saya adalah mendorong, dan saya berharap bahwa itu menyebabkan beberapa untuk menemukan bakat yang sebelumnya tersembunyi dalam ilmu.
Karena status istimewa mereka, sekolah tinggi khusus harus mempertahankan diri terhadap resiko tuduhan elitsm. Dalam masyarakat egaliter kita saat ini telah menjadi isu yang sangat sensitif. Terkait dengan masalah ini, dan bahkan lebih sensitif, telah pertanyaan ras. Meskipun akan jauh lebih nyaman untuk skim atas aspek Bronx Science, saya merasa bahwa tidak ada deskripsi sekolah akan benar-benar akurat tanpa beberapa diskusi.
Selama dua dekade terakhir, Bronx Sains telah melihat perubahan besar dalam susunan ras dan etnis dari populasi siswa-nya. Dua puluh tahun lalu siswa kami terutama Putih dan Yahudi. Hari ini, sekitar 60% adalah putih dari latar belakang etnis dan nasional yang beragam Eropa. 40% lainnya dalam urutan representasi numerik mereka, Hitam, Hispanik, dan Oriental. Seiring dengan pergeseran ini telah beberapa gerutuan di antara anggota yang lebih tua dari staf tentang penurunan standar di sekolah. Meskipun jarang jelas menyatakan, implikasi rasial selalu sulit untuk diabaikan. Perubahan apapun yang kita alami dapat lebih akurat ditelusuri ke perubahan nasional dalam nilai-nilai siswa dan permintaan mahasiswa yang jauh lebih besar untuk kebebasan pribadi. Perubahan ini dari tahun 60-an dan 70-an telah terjadi bersama dengan peningkatan kesadaran dan ekspresi diri vokal banyak minoritas. Mengingat semua ini adalah mudah untuk melihat bagaimana beberapa guru telah dikaitkan perdamaian dan kesatuan jelas tujuan akademik di tyhe 50s dan awal 60-an dengan homogenitas ras kemudian ada.
Pengalaman saya sendiri selama bertahun-tahun telah meyakinkan saya bahwa tidak ada kelompok di Bronx Sains telah memiliki
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
the latest segment of the ABC kids "kids are people too" trained the camera on the world famous Bronx HIGH SCHOOL of Science. As a tongue in cheek ended the journalist asks the class he has interviewed to say goodbye to the TV audience in the most "serious and intelligent". Needless to say, the scene of mass excitement was planned to happen. With some ambilvalence, I've also been sticking pins into the myths associated with Bronx Science. When friends and acquaintances expressed particular admiration of my teaching physics to what they imagine must be geniuses or at least near genius, honesty state that I set them straight. Fortunately for my stature, I don't think enough believe me. The myth continues. What makes it especially desirable school BHHS where teaching is that students are motivated, if not always with love of learning, almost always by the desire to achieve. In an environment such as the strength of the mark reigned supreme, and, compared with other urban schools, discipline problems in the classroom is rare. We had a good share of the intellectually gifted children and maybe a genius once in a while, but then we have more than a sprinkling of students who are not academically fuction. The best way to describe our students is to say that the majority would go for higher education to become programmers, physicians, teachers, accountants, engineers, lawyers, and so on. The tail of the normal distribution will reach the depth of the failure or success of the height. How do we achieve this its homogeneity? BHSS, among some special school New York citty other high, has the privilege of the administration of the entrance examination to the several thousand eight and nine grade students each year. 1.5 hour examination consisting of short sections of vocabulary, reading comprehention rather long section, and section 45-minute mathenatics. With the exception of about 100 children who are treated through the program "discovery", the children with the highest value accepted. Although the school is geared to the Special Science curriculum to no attempt to distil the children on the basis of the interests of science or talent. The main mechanisms of screning, I believe, is one of the screening themselves. This is especially for children and their parents who are motivated to achieve the look of a special high school of New York City as possible for themselves. Some JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL has a staff that actively encourage their academic elite to implement, but the number of schools that are difficult to guess. As a partial remedy to this situation, the principal we currently have outreach programs promoting acttively in JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL where children are brought to the school to get acquainted and to participate in the project instructions. In this program, the children are taken once a week and are taught basic laboratory techniques. He thinks that one of my colleagues who are involved in this program, many children never handled before science equipment. Their fun that he explained to me is encouraging, and I hope that it leads some to find a previously hidden talent in the sciences. Because of their special status, a high school special must defend themselves against the risk of accusations of elitsm. In the egalitarian society we currently have become a highly sensitive issue. Related to this issue, and even more sensitive, has the question of race. Though it would be much more convenient to skim over this aspect of the Bronx Science, I feel that there is no description of the school will be completely accurate without some discussion. Over the past two decades, the Bronx Science has seen major changes in the racial and ethnic makeup of the student population. Twenty years ago our students are mainly white and Jewish. Today, about 60% are whites from ethnic backgrounds and diverse European national. 40% more in the order of their numeric representation, black, Hispanic, and Oriental. Along with this shift has some grunt among the older members of staff about the decline of standards in schools. Although it is rarely clear racial implications, always difficult to ignore. Any changes that we have experienced can be more accurately traced to national changes in the values of students and demand a much larger student for personal freedom. This change from the 60s and 70s have occurred along with increased awareness and self expression are many vocal minority. Remember all this is easy to see how some teachers have associated the peace and unity of purpose clear academic in tyhe 50s and early 60s with its homogeneity breeds then there. My own experience over the years has convinced me that there are no groups in the Bronx Science has had
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
The latest segment of ABC children's show "Kids Are People Too" camera trained on the world famous Bronx High School of Science. As a tongue in cheek ends reporters asked the class he has interviewed to say goodbye to the TV audience in a way that most "serious and intelligent". Needless to say, the scene of mass excitement planned to occur. With some ambilvalence, I also have to stick a pin into the myths associated with Bronx Science. When friends and acquaintances expressed particular admiration in physics taught me to what they imagine to be a genius or at least a near genius, honesty stating that I set them straight. Fortunately for my stature, I do not think quite believe me. The myth continues.
What makes BHHS especially desirable schools where teaching is that students are motivated, if not always with a love of learning, almost always by the desire to achieve. In such an environment reigns supreme sign of strength, and, compared with other urban schools, classroom discipline problems are rare. We had a good share of intellectually gifted children and probably a genius once in a while, but then we have more than a sprinkling of students who are not academically fuction. The best way to describe our students is to say that most would go to higher education to become programmers, doctors, teachers, accountants, engineers, lawyers, and so on. The tail of the normal distribution will reach a depth of personal failure or the heights of success.
How do we achieve this homogeneity? BHSS, among several specialized schools other high citty New York, have administration privileges entrance exam to a few thousand, eight and nine graders every year. 1.5 hour examination consisting of a short section of vocabulary, part comprehention rather long read, and part mathenatics 45 minutes. With the exception of about 100 children who were treated through the program "discovery", children with the highest score received. Although the school's science curriculum geared to specifically there was no attempt to screen children on the basis of the interests of science or talent. The main screning mechanism, I believe, is one of the screening themselves. This is especially the children and their parents who are motivated to achieve the look of high school special New York City as a possibility for themselves. Some of SMP have staff who actively encourage their academic elite to apply, but the number of such schools is difficult to guess. As a remedy for this situation partially, our principal currently has acttively promoting outreach program where middle school kids take to school to get acquainted and to participate in the project science instruction. In this program, children are taken once a week and are taught basic laboratory techniques. According to which one of my colleagues who are involved in this program, many children have never dealt with science equipment before.Their fun he explained to me is encouraging, and I hope that it causes some to find previously hidden talent in science.
Because their special status, special high schools have to defend themselves against the risk of accusations elitsm. In our egalitarian society today has become a very sensitive issue. Related to this issue, and even more sensitive, has been the question of race. While it would be much more convenient to skim over aspects of Bronx Science, I felt that there was no description of the school will be completely accurate without some discussion.
Over the past two decades, Bronx Science has seen major changes in the composition of race and ethnicity of the student population of his. Twenty years ago our students mainly white and Jewish. Today, approximately 60% were white from diverse ethnic backgrounds and diverse national Europe. 40% more in the order of their numerical representation, Black, Hispanic, and Oriental. Along with this shift has been some grumbling among the older members of staff about the decline of standards in schools. Although it is rarely clearly stated, racial implications are always difficult to ignore. Any changes that we experience can be more accurately traced to national changes in the values ​​of students and student demand is far greater personal freedom. This change from the 60s and 70s has occurred along with increased awareness and self-expression are many vocal minority. Given all of this is easy to see how some teachers have been linked peace and unity clear academic goals in tyhe 50s and early '60s with the homogeneity of the race and then there.
My own experience over the years has convinced me that there is no group in the Bronx Science has have
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