Results (
English) 2:
Education Natural Sciences (IPA) is a process for membelajarkan students in understanding the nature of science (Mariana & Wandy, 2009: 27). IPA is essentially not only a mastery of the collection pe-knowledge to understand nature. IPA is also a set of processes that are used to build, expand, and improve knowledge (NRC, 2012: 26).
The process of learning science on the curriculum in 2013 emphasized on applying the scientific approach (Scientific Approach) (Permendikbud, 65 in 2013). Pen-scientific approach in the process of science learning can encourage students to be actively involved in order to get the learning experience. The provision of learning experiences carried out directly through the use and development of keteram-Pilan process of science (Yuliati, 2008: 8).
Skill process of science is an adaptation of the skills of scientists in discovering concepts, define problems and develop kesim-gathering (Karsli & Alipasa, 2014: 1). Science process skills is kete-rampilan specifically to simplify the way to learn science and instill scientific skills of students (Karamustafaoğlu, 2011: 26). Science process skills in the creation-science learning is closely related to the competence of the students in achieving the learning objectives (Hilman, 2014: 222).
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