Results (
English) 1:
A. Background ProblemSport physical activities is conducted in the form of games and race in order obtain a leisure or pleasure. In addition to that sport can be a unifying tool the nation, because there is no distinction of race and class. Then sports can also undertook to support the mental development character and strong nation, passing philosophy was born from it. Any kind of exercise that is fairplay. Physical education is a process of learning through physical activities designed to improve physical fitness, develop motor skills, knowledge and behaviour of healthy and active living, an attitude of sportsmanship, and emotional intelligence. Learning environments are carefully arranged to enhance the growth and development of the entire realm, physical, cognitive, psychomotor, and affective against students.One of the physical education athletic is given starting from elementary school to College. Primary school education lessons in athletics, including the subjects of physical education and health is 60 m.A run is a physical activity perform steps forward with the speed, while speed is a person's ability can be do with the feet, similar movement a lot in a short time.At 60 m, the main supporting factor is speed. Therefore the speed in doing a motion is determined by various factors. Factors that affect the speed of motoris consist of strength, speed of reaction, contractions, relaxasi and coordination of muscle and explosive power limb muscles. In addition to the speed factor other supporters in the running is the power of a good limb muscles, then also required agility in motion from the above factors in this study the author just wanted to know the contribution factor in the explosive power of limb muscles with running speed, explosive power due to limb muscles play an important role in the running speed of a person.Properties affecting motoris speed consists of: strength, reaction, contractions, relaxasi, and coordination of muscle and explosive power limb muscles.I. Types Of Research This research was conducted with the use of the design research korelasional is a statistics tool, which can be used to compare the results of the measurements of two different variables in order to determine the level of relations between variables are variables. Populations and samples 1. PopulationThe population in this research is grade VII SMP Negeri 3 Mandau. Based on the data in the field, the one student in Class VII JUNIOR Country 3 Mandau is 55 students.2. Sample In order for the sample of this research data is homogeneous, then the researchers sampled in students the son alone with purposive sampling technique with a total of 30 persons in grade VII.Research Instruments As for this research consists of two variable i.e. variable variable variable bound-free and free is explosive power limb muscles while the variable bound to run a distance of 60 meters with regard to data collection techniques used are: 1. test yield limb muscles standing Broad jump To do a standing Broad jump ismaryati (2008:61) procedure pelaksanaanya is as follows: tests participants standing in an upright position then the knees bent to form an angle of 130 °-140 ° and the body upright. Length in such a way so as to correspond to the standing position. Then a movements skip using the object of two feet jump kea rah horizontally so far away pelaksaan done 3 times then taken the jump the farthest.Speed 60 m This test for measuring the running speed of a person. Description of research results Average test data is one of the test statistic used to test data obtained from research results are distributed normally or not. When Gaussian, then to test the hypothesis in this study can be used in parametric statistics (this is just a regrasi analysis). With regard to testing this test used data normalcy liliefors, if the obtained probability greater than the error levels are used, then it can be inferred that the data is distributed normally. Based on the results of the calculation of the normality of data aware that data explosive power limb muscles = LoMax 0,131 and data speed 60 m = 097dengan L LoMax 0, table for two is = 0,161. Based on these things then it is known that LoMax < L table can thus be said to berditribusi normal data.Conclusions and SuggestionsA. Conclusions Based on the results of the research that has been conducted in grade VII SMP Negeri 3 r count value obtained Mandau = 0,425 > r table = 0,361. thus a conclusion that can be drawn: there is a relationship of explosive power limb muscles with speed 60 m grade VII SMP Negeri 3 Mandau.B. Suggestions Based on the results of the above research, researchers ask suggestions as follows: 1. The need for student exercises that can improve explosive power limb muscles in order to improve the results the speed of 60 m. 2. In the preparation of the program of physical exercise to improve explosive power limb muscles.3. For other researchers to conduct further research with more precise test instrument.4. In order to conduct research of its kind to examine further contributing factors included in this research.
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