Layanan carrel room adalah layanan peminjaman ruang khusus berukuran 1,8 m X 1,8 m yang berada di lantai 2, 3, dan 4 Perpustakaan UIN Sunan Kalijaga. Carrel room dilengkapi dengan rak buku, meja dan kursi baca, lampu belajar dan akses internet. Carrel room diperuntukkan bagi staf pengajar dan karyawan UIN Sunan Kalijaga yang sedang menyusun dan menyelesaikan riset/proyek tertentu, tesis maupun desertasi.
Peminjaman carrel room tidak dipungut biaya karena layanan ini dimaksudkan untuk mendorong dan menstimulasi para staf pengajar dan karyawan UIN Sunan Kalijaga lebih produktif dan menghasilkan karya-karya ilmiah. Pemustaka yang ingin menggunakan Carrel room dapat
menghubungi petugas dibagian Informasi.
Letak Carrel Room
Lantai II sebanyak 4 ruang, terletak di sayap timur
Lantai III sebanyak 3 ruang, terletak di sayap timur
Lantai IV sebanyak 5 ruang, terletak di sayap barat
Ketentuan Peminjaman
Peminjaman Carrel Room dapat dilayani dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut
a) Meninggalkan fotokopi identitas diri yang masih berlaku;
b) Penggunaan disesuaikan dengan jam layanan perpustakaan universitas;
c) Pemesanan yang sedang dalam antrian, tenggang waktu diberikan selama 3 (tiga) hari dari waktu yang dijanjikan petugas untuk pengambilan kunci carrel room. Apabila selama tenggang waktu tersebut pengguna tidak memberikan konfirmasi, petugas berhak mengalihkan hak penggunaan kepada antrian berikutnya.
d) Keterlambatan pengembalian kunci dikenakan denda sebesar Rp 1. 000,00 (seribu rupiah) per hari, menghilangkan kunci dikenakan biaya sebesar Rp 25.000,00 (dua puluh lima ribu rupiah).
Results (
English) 1:
Carrel service room is a special room-sized loan services 1.8 m X 1.8 m, located on level 2, 3, and 4 UIN Sunan Kalijaga Library. Carrel rooms fitted with bookshelves, tables and chairs, lights learning reading and internet access. Carrel rooms reserved for the teaching staff and employees of UIN Sunan Kalijaga was composed and completed research/thesis specific project, as well as desertasi.Loaning carrel room is free of charge for this service is intended to encourage and stimulate the teaching staff and UIN Sunan Kalijaga employees more productive and produce scientific works. Pemustaka who want to use Carrel room cancontact the Information Officer.Carrel Room Layout2nd floor as much as 4 spaces, located in the East WingFloor III as much as 3 spaces, located in the East WingFloor IV as much as 5 room, located in the West WingConditions Of The LoanLoaning Carrel Room can be catered for with the following conditionsa photocopy of identity) left that still applies;b) use of the service is tailored to the University Library;c) bookings are in the queue, the grace period is given for 3 (three) days from the time the officer promised to acquire key carrel room. When the grace period as long as the user does not give confirmation, the officer is entitled to transfer the rights of use to the next queue.d) Delay key returns subject to a fine of Rp 1. 000.00 (one thousand dollars) per day, eliminating key costs IDR 25.000,00 (twenty-five thousand rupiah).
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Results (
English) 2:
Services carrel room is a special loan service space measuring 1.8 m X 1.8 m which was on floor 2, 3, and 4 Library UIN Sunan Kalijaga. Carrel room equipped with bookshelves, tables and chairs to read, study lamp and internet access. Carrel room reserved for faculty and employees UIN Sunan Kalijaga which is working on and completing research / specific projects, thesis or dissertation.
Loan carrel room is no charge for this service is intended to encourage and stimulate the teaching staff and employees UIN Sunan Kalijaga more productive and produce scientific works. The visitors who want to use the Carrel room can
contact officers Information section.
The layout Carrel Room Floor II by 4 spaces, located in the east wing of the third floor as much as 3-space, located in the east wing of the fourth floor as much as 5 rooms, located in the west wing of Loan Terms Loan Carrel Room can be served with the following conditions a) Leaving photocopy of a valid identity; b) Use of services tailored to the university library hours; c) Orders that are in the queue, the grace period is given for 3 (three) days from the time appointed officers for decision Key carrel room. If during that time period the user does not give confirmation, officers are entitled to transfer rights of use to the next queue. d) delay the return key imposed a fine of Rp 1 000,00 (one thousand dollars) per day, eliminating the key charge of Rp 25,000.00 ( twenty-five thousand dollars).
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