Di permukaan, Anna tampaknya hanya mengejar pemenuhan janji Raja tetap translation - Di permukaan, Anna tampaknya hanya mengejar pemenuhan janji Raja tetap English how to say

Di permukaan, Anna tampaknya hanya

Di permukaan, Anna tampaknya hanya mengejar pemenuhan janji Raja tetapi sebenarnya ada
sesuatu yang lain yang yang berada di balik tuntutan Anna tersebut. Dengan kata lain, ada
makna berbeda yang tertunda (konsep ‘differance’) yang harus diperhatikan. Anna sebenarnya
sedang berjuang mempertahankan otoritas dan privasinya. Dengan tidak tinggal di dalam area
kerajaan, Anna tidak sepenuhnya berada di bawah kontrol Raja meskipun ia bekerja untuk Raja.
Jadi, Anna berusaha memisahkan pekerjaan dan kehidupan privat yang umum dalam tradisi
Barat yang dianut Anna. Meskipun memakan waktu cukup lama, Raja akhirnya menyetujui
tuntutan Anna. Dengan demikian kontrol total Raja terhadap Anna sedikit terkurangi dengan
dekonstruksi yang dilakukan Anna secara halus, gigih, dan pasti.
Penerapan Nyata Aturan Budak
Adalah hal yang wajar bagi keluarga bangsawan dalam kultur Siam untuk memiliki budak. Aturan
budak di Siam memungkinkan budak membeli kebebasannya dengan sejumlah uang. Ternyata
aturan ini tidak dipatuhi ketika budak yang bernama La Ore ingin membeli kebebasannya. Alih-
alih mendapatkan kebebasan, La Ore mendapatkan hukuman berat dari majikannya yang kejam,
Nyonya Jao Jom Manga Ung. Ketika Anna dan Putra Mahkota secara tidak sengaja menetahui
keadaan La Ore yang menyedihkan, Anna membebaskan La Ore dengan cara memberikan
cincin kawinnya ke majikan La Ore untuk kompensasi. Ketika peristiwa ini diadukan ke Raja oleh
Nyonya Jao Jom Manga Ung, Anna tetap tegar dengan pendiriannya. Hasilnya adalah
peninjauan ulang Aturan Budak ini yang pada prakteknya muncul penyelewengan demi
kepentingan para bangsawan. Penghapusan kepemilikan budak di masa mendatang di Siam
sedikit banyak dipengaruhi oleh dekonstruksi yang dilakukan Anna dalam kasus La Ore.
Ketika Raja bertanya ke Anna alasan intervensi yang dilakukannya, jawaban Anna adalah:
“Because my conscience demanded it” (Hand, 1999: 99). Di sini tampak unsur
intertekstualitasnya. Reaksi Anna terhadap kasus perbudakan mengandung jejak-jejak pemikiran
Harriet Beecher Stowe tentang kekejaman perbudakan seperti tertuang dalam buku Uncle Tom’s
Cabin. Buku yang telah membangkitkan reaksi keras terhadap perbudakan di seluruh dunia ini
telah dibaca Anna berulang-kali. Anna juga meminjamkan buku ini ke Putra Mahkota yang
bertanya tentang masalah majikan-budak. Dengan demikian Anna sangat terpengaruh oleh
pemikiran penghapusan perbudakan dan jejak-jejak pemikiran ini muncul dalam tindakannya
pada kasus La Ore dan tindakan meminjamkan buku tersebut ke Putra Mahkota.
Putra Mahkota Tidak Pernah Salah
Putra Mahkota sebagai calon raja sangatlah dihormati di Siam. Tak seorangpun berani
mengkritik, atau menghukum Putra Mahkota. Menurut perspektif Anna, rasa hormat yang
membuta seperti itu tidak baik bagi Putra Mahkota. Ketika terjadi perkelahian antara Putra
Mahkota, Chulalongkorn, dengan anak lelaki Anna, Louis, karena Chulalongkorn menghina
almarhum ayah Louis, Anna menghukum keduanya menulis seribu kalimat. Peristiwa ini, sejalan
dengan waktu, membuat Chulalongkorn instropeksi diri dan menjadi raja yang bijaksana ketika ia
menggantikan ayahandanya.
Tindakan Anna yang tidak mengistimewakan Putra Mahkota juga mendorong keberanian Lady
Thiang (ibunda Chulangkorn) memberi tahu raja peristiwa sebenarnya yang menunjukkan
kesalahan Putra Mahkota:
She hesitated, reluctant to speak the truth. Finally she said haltingly: “Prince insult memory of
boy’s dead father” (Hand, 1999: 75).
Dengan demikian, Anna mendekonstruksi pendapat bahwa tindakan Putra Mahkota selalu benar.
Pernikahan Raja tanpa Cinta
Bukanlah rahasia bahwa pernikahan raja sering berlangsung tanpa cinta, seperti mencuat pada
kasus Lady Tuptim. Meskipun cinta Tuptim hanyalah bagi Balat, kekasihnya, ayah Tuptim
menyerahkan anak perempuannya untuk diperistri Raja karena dianggap lebih mendatangkan
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
On the surface, Anna seemed to just pursue the fulfillment of the promise of the King but in fact there aresomething else that was behind the demands of Anna. In other words, there is athe meaning of the different pending (the concept of ' differance ') that must be observed. Anna actuallyis struggling maintain authority and their privacy. By not living in the areathe Kingdom, Anna is not entirely under the control of King even though he worked for the King.So, Anna tried to separate work and private life are common in the traditionWest embraced Anna. Even though it takes quite a long time, the King finally agreed to thethe demands of Anna. Thus the total control of the King against Anna slightly reduced withthe deconstruction done subtly Anna, persistent, and definitely.The Application Of Real Slave RulesIt is natural for a noble family in the culture of Siam to have slaves. The rules of theslaves in Siam bought slave his freedom by allowing a certain amount of money. It turns outThese rules are not followed when a slave named La Ore wanted to buy his freedom. Insteadinstead get freedom, La Ore getting heavy penalties from the cruel mistress,Mrs Jao Jom Manga Ung. When Anna and Crown Prince accidentally menetahuithe sad state of La Ore, Anna frees La Ore by means of givingher ring to the employer La Ore for compensation. When this event complained to the King byMrs Jao Jom Manga Ung, Anna remains tough with its founding. The result is aRe-review this Slave who Rules in practice appears abuses for the sake ofthe interests of the nobles. The abolition of slave ownership in the future in Siammore or less influenced by deconstruction that was done in the case of Anna La Ore.When the King asks Anna the reason intervention is doing, the answer is: Anna"Because my conscience demanded it" (Hand, 1999:101). Here appears the elementintertekstualitasnya. Anna reaction against cases of slavery contains traces of thoughtHarriet Beecher Stowe about the cruelty of slavery as contained in the book Uncle Tom'sCabin. The book has evoked harsh reactions against slavery throughout the worldread Anna repeatedly. Anna also lend this book to the Crown Princeasked about the problem of employer-slave. Thus Anna greatly affected bythe thought of the abolition of slavery and the traces of this thinking appears in the actionin the case of La Ore and lend the book to the Crown Prince.The Crown Prince Is Never WrongThe Crown Prince as the future King is highly revered in Siam. No one daredcriticize, condemn or Crown Prince. According to Anna's perspective, respectblindly like that is not good for the Crown Prince. When there is a fight between SonCrown, Chulalongkorn, with Anna's son, Louis, because Chulalongkorn insultlate father Louis, Anna punishes both write a thousand sentences. This event, in linewith time, making themselves instropeksi and Chulalongkorn became King of the wise when hesucceeded his father.Anna's actions are not a respecter of Crown Prince also encourages courage LadyThiang (mother Chulangkorn) tell the King actual events showsCrown errors:She hesitated, reluctant to speak the truth. Finally she said haltingly: "Prince insult memory ofthe dead boy's father "(Hand, 1999:75).Thus, the action of deconstruct Anna's opinion that the Crown Prince is always right.The King's marriage without loveIt is no secret that marriage often lasts without love, such as sticking on athe case of Lady Tuptim. Although love Tuptim is merely to Balat, lover, father Tuptimhand over her daughter to became King because it is considered more bring
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
On the surface, it seems only pursuing Anna King fulfillment but in fact there is
something else that is behind the Anna demands. In other words, there are
different meanings pending (the concept of 'differance') that must be considered. Anna actually
were fighting to defend the authority and privacy. By not staying in the area of
the kingdom, Anna is not fully under the control of the King even though he worked for the king.
So, Anna tried to separate work and private life are common in the tradition of
the West embraced Anna. Although it takes a long time, the King finally agreed to
the demands of Anna. Thus the total control of the King against Anna slightly reduced by the
deconstruction carried Anna subtle, persistent, and sure.
Application of the Real Rules Slave
is a natural thing for a noble family in the culture of Siam to own slaves. Rules
slaves in Siam allow slaves to buy their freedom with money. It turned out that
this rule is not followed when a slave named La Ore wanted to buy his freedom. Rather
than obtaining freedom, La Ore severe punishment of a cruel mistress,
Mrs. Jao Jom Manga Ung. When Anna and Crown Prince inadvertently menetahui
circumstances La Ore sad, Anna freeing La Ore by giving a
wedding ring to La Ore employer for compensation. When these events reported to the King by
Mrs Jao Jom Manga Ung, Anna remained steadfast in his stance. The result is
a re-review these rules in practice the Slave emerging fraud for the sake of
the interests of the nobility. The abolition of slave ownership in the future in Siam
less influenced by deconstruction performed Anna in the case of La Ore.
When King asked to Anna reason for intervention was doing, answer Anna is:
"Because my conscience DEMANDED it" (Hand, 1999: 99). Here appears the element
intertekstualitasnya. Anna reaction against slavery cases containing traces of thought
Harriet Beecher Stowe on the horrors of slavery, as stated in the book Uncle Tom's
Cabin. The book that has aroused strong reaction against slavery around the world have
been read Anna repeatedly. Anna also lend this book to the Crown Prince who
asked about master-slave issue. Thus Anna was very influenced by
the thought the abolition of slavery and the traces of this thought appears in its actions
in the case of La Ore and actions lend the book to the Crown Prince,
Crown Prince Never Wrong
Crown Prince as the future king is revered in Siam. No one dares to
criticize or punish the Crown Prince. According to Anna's perspective, respect
blindly as it was not good for the Crown Prince. When a fight broke out between Putra
Mahkota, Chulalongkorn, with Anna's son, Louis, because Chulalongkorn insulting
late father Louis, Anna punish both wrote a thousand words. This event, in line
with the times, making Chulalongkorn self introspection and become wise king when he
replaces his father.
Actions Anna who do not favor the Crown Prince also encourage boldness Lady
Thiang (mother Chulangkorn) tells the king of actual events that indicate
error Crown Prince:
She hesitated , reluctant to speak the truth. Finally she said haltingly: "Prince insult memory of
boy's dead father" (Hand, 1999: 75).
Thus, Anna deconstruct the opinion that the actions of the Crown is always right.
Marriage king without love
is no secret that the wedding king often take place without love, like surfaced in
the case of Lady Tuptim. Although love is only for Balat Tuptim, lover, father Tuptim
hand over his daughter to the King because it is considered more diperistri bring
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