Results (
English) 2:
Miftahudin Wakhid. 2016. Accountability Mechanism Village Fund as the implementation of Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages (Studies in the Village Wonokerso Limpung District of Batang). Thesis, Department of Politics and Citizenship. Faculty of Social Science. Semarang State University. Supervisor I Drs. Sunarto, SH, M.Sc. Supervisor II Puji Lestari S.Pd., M.Sc.
Keywords: Mechanism, Accountability, Village Fund.
Act No. 6 of 2014 on the village, article 1, paragraph 1 confirms that the village is a unit of community has boundaries authority to control and administer governmental affairs, the interests of the local community based community initiatives, the right of origin, and / or customary rights recognized and respected in the governance system of the Republic of Indonesia. The potential of the area and villagers are confronted by various problems and challenges are increasingly complex. Therefore, the villagers must be protected and empowered. Village fund policy is considered in line with expectations village communities to be developed, independent, and prosperous. The problems of this study were (1) any program or activity funded by the village fund, (2) how the accountability mechanism village by village government funding, (3) what are the barriers faced by the village government accountable in the village fund. The purpose of this study was to determine (1) program or activity funded with the village, (2) an accountability mechanism village by village government, (3) the constraints experienced in the village fund account.
This study uses a qualitative research approach. The informant sources of primary data in this study include: Wonokerso Village Head, the village secretary Wonokerso, Kaur Wonokerso Village Planning, Finance Kaur Wonokerso village, Kadus Wonokerso village and some villagers of Wonokerso. Collecting data using observation, interviews, and documentation. Test the validity of the data using a triangulation method. Data analysis included data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion and verification.
The results of this study indicate that (1) program or activity, realized by the village government Wonokerso is good enough, seen from the program or activity that is realized by the village government Wonokerso be especially beneficial for rural communities, (2) accountability mechanism for funding the village by the village government at the top of each stage, where at each stage must complete the requirements determined, includes plans RAB, SPP, the general book and maid taxes, letter of responsibility shopping, then written off, then report accountability submitted to the regents through the district head, (3) the constraints experienced in accountability mechanisms village fund, SDM government apparatus village is still low, the lack of coordination with the public in the use of village funds, the disbursement of villages are still too late, and the rule of the central government is still changing.
Suggestions put forward in this study as follows: (1) program or activity diralisasikan by the village government Wonokerso should be covering all the hamlets, so the equalization program or activity will be felt by the community, (2) should have accountability mechanisms village funds can be optimized if the village government gave every responsibility to every village that has authority in his field, (3) to overcome the existing obstacles should the village government with the community always coordinate the use of funds of the village, the government should not delay in the disbursement of the village, the central government should set the rules that remain before the policy is given an arbitrary village funds to the village, while the local government should provide more oversight and accountability of the use of village funds.
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