Ekspresi bahasa menggambarkan kecendrungan masyarakat penuturnya. Oleh translation - Ekspresi bahasa menggambarkan kecendrungan masyarakat penuturnya. Oleh English how to say

Ekspresi bahasa menggambarkan kecen

Ekspresi bahasa menggambarkan kecendrungan masyarakat penuturnya. Oleh karenanya, untuk mempelajari dan menjelaskan bahasa niscaya harus melibatkan aspek-aspek sosial yang mencitrakan masyarakat tersebut (Harimurti Kridalaksana, 1985: 4), seperti tatanan sosial, strata sosial, umur, lingkungan dan lain-lain. Berbeda dengan apa yang dikatakan oleh Chomsky bahwa bahasa adalah asosial karena mengabaikan heterogenitas yang ada dalam masyarakat, baik status sosial, pendidikan, umur, jenis kelamin latar belakang budayanya, dan lain-lain (Silal Arimi, 2008).

Chomsky (dalam Wardhaugh, 1986: 10) memilah antara bahasa di satu sisi dan budaya di sisi lain. Dalam mempelajari bahasa yang berhubungan dengan sosial budaya akan menghasilkan empat kemungkinan. Pertama, struktur sosial dapat mempengaruhi dan menentukan struktur atau perilaku bahasa. Kedua, struktur dan perilaku bahasa dapat mempengaruhi dan menentukan struktur sosial. Ketiga, hubungan keduanya adalah timbal balik. Keempat, struktur sosial dan struktur bahasa sama sekali tidak berhubungan, inilah yang dianut oleh Chomsky.

Peranan bahasa yang utama adalah sebagai alat untuk berkomunikasi antara manusia yang satu dengan yang lain dalam suatu masyarakat. Hal tersebut sesuai dengan pendapat Mustakim (1994 : 2) bahwa bahasa sebagai alat komunikasi digunakan oleh anggota masyarakat untuk menjalin hubungan dengan masyarakat lain yang mempunyai kesamaan bahasa.

Dengan bahasa, manusia dapat saling berhubungan dengan manusia lainnya, walaupun latar belakang sosial dan budayanya berbeda. Oleh karena itu, fungsi bahasa yang paling mendasar adalah untuk berkomunikasi (P.W.J. Nababan, 1993 : 40), yaitu alat pergaulan dan perhubungan sesama manusia sehingga terbentuk suatu sistem sosial atau masyarakat. Bahasa sebagai bagian dari masyarakat merupakan gejala sosial yang tidak dapat lepas dari pemakainya. Sosiolinguistik sebagai cabang ilmu bahasa merupakan interdisipliner ilmu bahasa dan ilmu sosial, berusaha menempatkan kedudukan bahasa dalam hubungannya dengan pemakaian di dalam masyarakat.

Aspek pemakai bahasa berkaitan dengan mutu dan keterampilan berbahasa seseorang. Aspek pemakaian bahasa mengacu pada bidang-bidang kehidupan yang merupakan ranah pemakaian bahasa (Hasan Alwi dan Sugono, 2000). Dalam menghadapi era globalisasi diperlukan suatu rumusan ketentuan mengenai penggunaan bahasa Indonesia. Hal ini mengingat bahwa masalah kebahasaan di Indonesia sangat rumit. Di Indonesia terdapat lebih dari 728 bahasa daerah. Bahasa-bahasa daerah itu hidup dan berkembang serta dipergunakan dengan setia oleh penuturnya. Selain itu, di Indonesia terdapat bahasa asing. Walaupun kedudukan dan fungsi bahasa daerah dan bahasa asing itu sudah diatur penggunaannya, tetap saja pemakaian bahasa daerah dan bahasa asing (Inggris) dipergunakan semaunya oleh pemakainya. Kenyataan itu akan menyudutkan penggunaan bahasa Indonesia. Seperti dikatakan oleh Hudson (1980) ragam bahasa itu bergantung pada who, what, when, where, why. Dengan demikian, dalam situasi formal tentulah ragam formal yang dipilih, sedangkan dalam situasi nonformal tentu pula ragam nonformal yang digunakan.

Untuk pemilihan ragam nonformal tidaklah perlu dipermasalahkan. Penggunaan bahasa Indonesia yang bercampur kode dengan bahasa gaul, prokem, slang, ataupun bahasa daerah selagi tidak tidak dipakai dalam situasi formal tidaklah perlu dirisaukan. Namun, yang menjadi kerisauan kalau ragam formal bahasa Indonesia (baku) itu digunakan tidak sebagaimana mestinya. Variasi atau ragam formal itu digunakan, antara lain, dalam pidato kenegaraan, rapat dinas, surat-menyurat dinas, ceramah keagamaan, buku pelajaran, karya ilmiah (Nababan, 1993).

Menurut Fishman (dalam Chaer & Agustina, 1995: 204) untuk mengkaji pemilihan bahasa dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan konteks institutional tertentu yang disebut dengan domain, yang di dalamnya menunjukkan kecenderungan menggunakan satu variasi tertentu daripada variasi lain. Domain dipandang sebagai konstelasi faktor-faktor seperti lokasi, topik, dan partisipan, seperti keluarga, tetangga, teman, transaksi, pemetintahan, pendidikan, dsb. Misalnya jika seorang penutur berbicara dalam lingkungan keluarga maka dikatakan berada dalam domain keluarga. Analisis domain ini biasanya terkait dengan analisis diglosia, sebab ada domain yang formal dan domain yang tidak formal. Di masyarakat yang diglosia untuk domain yang tidak formal dapat digunakan bahasa ragam rendah (low language), sedangkan dalam domain yang formal dipakai bahasa ragam tinggi (high language). Maka pemilihan satu bahasa atau ragam bahasa tergantung domainnya.

Menurut Fasold (1984: 213-214) pergeseran dan pemertahanan bahasa merupakan hasil dari proses pemilihan bahasa dalam jangka waktu yang sangat panjang. Pergeseran bahasa menunjukkan adanya suatu bahasa yang benar-benar ditinggalkan oleh komunitas penuturnya. Hal ini berarti bahwa ketika pergeseran bahasa terjadi, anggota suatu komunitas bahasa secara kolektif lebih memilih menggunakan bahasa baru daripada bahasa lama yang secara tradisional biasa dipakai. Sebaliknya, dalam pemertahan bahasa para penutur suatu komunitas bahasa secara kolektif memutuskan untuk terus menggunakan bahasa yang mereka miliki atau yang secara tradisional biasanya digunakan.

Gejala-gejala yang menunjukkan terjadinya pergeseran dan pemertahan bahasa pun dapat diamati. Misalnya, ketika ada gejala yang menunjukkan bahwa penutur suatu komunitas bahasa mulai memilih menggunakan bahasa baru dalam domain-domain tertentu yang menggantikan bahasa lama, hal ini memberikan sinyal bahwa proses pergeseran bahasa sedang berlangsung. Akan tetapi, apabila komunitas penutur bahasanya monolingual dan secara kolektif tidak menggunakan bahasa lain, maka dengan jelas ini berarti bahwa komunitas bahasa tersebut mempertahankan pola penggunaan bahasanya.

Pemertahanan bahasa bukan hanya terjadi di dalam komunitas tutur yang

monolingual, tetapi terjadi pula dalam masyarakat bilingualisme serta multilingualisme. Namun, hal semacam ini hanya terjadi ketika komunitas penutur bahasanya diglosia. Sistem pemertahanan bahasa dalam komunitas bahasa yang multilingul seperti ini menunjukkan gejala bahwa para penuturnya menggunakan suatu bahasa tertentu dalam domain-domain tertentu dan menggunakan bahasa lain dalam domain-domain yang lain. Oleh karena itu, dalam komunitas semacam ini terjadi dinamika penggunaan bahasa.

Beberapa kondisi cenderung diasosiasikan dengan pergeseran bahasa. Akan tetapi, kondisi yang paling mendasar adalah bilingualisme, meskipun bilingualisme bukan satu-satunya hal yang mendorong terjadinya pergeseran bahasa. Menurut Lieberson (dalam Susi Yuliawati, 2008: 11) hampir semua kasus pergeseran bahasa dalam masyarakat terjadi melalui peralihan intergenerasi. Dengan kata lain, peralihan bahasa terjadi melalui beberapa generasi dalam satu masyarakat dalam jangka waktu yang cukup panjang. Namun, ada juga komunitas selama berabad-abad sehingga ini berarti bahwa keberadaan masyarakat tidak berarti akan terjadinya pergeseran bahasa. Beberapa faktor lain yang menjadi pemicu pergeseran bahasa.

Faktor-faktor tersebut antara lain migrasi, baik yang dilakukan oleh kelompok kecil ke wilayah yang menyebabkan bahasa mereka tidak lagi digunakan, maupun oleh kelompok besar yang memperkenalkan populasi lokal dengan bahasa baru; industrialisasi dan perubahan ekonomi; sekolah bahasa dan kebijakan pemerintah; urbanisasi prestise yang lebih tinggi; dan jumlah populasi yang lebih sedikit untuk bahasa yang mengalami pergeseran. Hal ini sejalan dengan apa yang dikemukakan oleh Holmes (2001) bahwa faktor-faktor yang medorong pergeseran bahasa adalah fakor ekonomi, sosial, politik, demografis, perilaku, dan nilai dalam suatu komunitas.

Bahasa Alay

Alay berasal dari kata Anak Layangan. Bahasa Alay bisa dikatakan bahasa kampungan, karena memang bahasa tersebut sungguh-sungguh tidak memngenal etika berbahasa dan biasanya yang bermain layangan adalah anak-anak kampung (orang kota juaga sering, namun kota pinggiran). Apabila kita menggunakan bahasa Alay secara tidak langsung telah melecehkan lawan bicara kita baik secara tulisan ataupun lisan. Pada umumnya bahasa alay lebih nampak dalam bentuk tulisan (8studio-desainmultimedia.blogspot.com).

Alay, Alah lebay, Anak Layu, atau Anak keLayapan yang menghubungkannya dengan anak Jarpul (Jarang Pulang). Tapi yang paling santer adalah anak layangan. Dominannya, istilah ini untuk menggambarkan anak yg sok keren, secara fashion, karya (musik) maupun kelakuan secara umum. Konon asal usulnya, alay diartikan “anak kampong” karena anak kampung yang rata-rata berambut merah dan berkulit sawo gelap karena kebanyakan main layangan.

Berikut adalah pengertian alay menurut beberapa ahli (Wahyu Adi Putra Ginting, 2010):

Koentjara Ningrat: "Alay adalah gejala yang dialami pemuda-pemudi Indonesia, yang ingin diakui statusnya diantara teman-temannya. Gejala ini akan mengubah gaya tulisan, dan gaya berpakain, sekaligus meningkatkan kenarsisan, yang cukup mengganggu masyarakat dunia maya (baca: Pengguna internet sejati,
kayak blogger dan kaskuser). Diharapkan Sifat ini segera hilang, jika tidak akan mengganggu masyarakat sekitar.

Selo Soemaridjan: "Alay adalah perilaku remaja Indonesia, yang membuat dirinya merasa keren, cantik, hebat diantara yang lain. Hal ini bertentangan dengan sifat Rakyat Indonesia yang sopan, santun, dan ramah. Faktor yang menyebabkan bisa melalui media TV (sinetron), dan musisi dengan dandanan
seperti itu."

Salah satu ciri dari alay tersebut adalah tulisannya yang aneh dan di luar nalar serta akal sehat. Di sini, saya akan mengklasifikasikan alay-alay ke beberapa tingkatan atau strata menurut dari tulisan mereka (di sini saya bukan mau ngebahas alay dari wajah atau penampilannya, wajah adalah pemberian dari Tuhan yang merupakan anugerah untuk kita.
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
Expression language describes the trend of the community of speakers. Therefore, to study and clarify the language would have to involve the social aspects which the community identifies (Harimurti Kridalaksana, 1985:4), as the social order, social strata, age, environment and others. In contrast to what was said by Chomsky that language is asocial because ignore the heterogeneity that exists in society, good social status, education, age, gender, cultural background and others (Silal Arimi, 2008).Chomsky (Wardhaugh, 1986:10) sort out between languages on the one hand and culture on the other. In the study of language-related social culture will produce four possibilities. First, the social structure can affect and determine the structure of the language or behavior. Second, the structure and behavior of the language can influence and determine social structures. Third, the relationship is reciprocal. Fourth, social structure and language structure totally unrelated, this is embraced by Chomsky.The role of the main language is as a tool for communication between humans with one another in a society. It is in accordance with the opinion of Mustakim (1994:2) that language as a communication tool used by members of the community to establish rapport with other communities who have in common language.With language, humans can be interconnected with other human beings, despite cultural and social backgrounds are different. Therefore, the most basic function of language is to communicate (P.W.J. Dann, 1993:33), i.e. the tool guidelines and interrelationship of humans so that formed a system of social or community. Language as a part of the community is the social symptoms that cannot be separated from the wearer. Sociolinguistics as a branch of Linguistics is an interdisciplinary social science and language, trying to put the position of language in relation to the use in the community.User language aspects related to quality and language skills of a person. Aspects of language usage refers to the areas of life that is the realm of language usage (Hasan Alwi and Sugono, 2000). In the face of the era of globalization required an outline of the provisions concerning the use of languages of Indonesia. It is a given that the linguistic problems in Indonesia are very complicated. In Indonesia there are more than 728 regional language. The languages of the area alive and thriving and used faithfully by the speakers. In addition, in Indonesia there is a foreign language. Although the position and functions of local languages and foreign languages it is set up, its usage is still usage area languages and foreign languages (United Kingdom) to be used at will by the wearer. The fact it will be cornering Indonesia language usage. As said by Hudson (1980) a variety of a language that depends on who, what, when, where, why. Thus, in formal situations for selected range of formal, while in colloquial situations is certainly also a variety of colloquial use.For the selection of the variety in question need not colloquial. The use of mixed code Indonesia language with slang, slang, slang, or local languages while not not used in formal situations does not need to worry. However, that being myself if formal language variety Indonesia (baku) was not used as it should be. Formal variation or diversity was used, among other things, in the State of the Union speech, meeting service, correspondence Department, religious lectures, textbooks, scientific papers (Dann, 1993).According to Fishman (Chaer & Agustina, 1995:204) to review the selection of language can be done by using a specific institutional context which is called the domain, which shows a tendency to use one particular variation than the other variations. The domain is seen as a constellation of factors such as location, topic, and participants, such as family, neighbours, friends, transaction, pemetintahan, education, etc. For example, if a speaker talking in a family environment then it is said to be in the domain of the family. Domain analysis is usually associated with the analysis of diglosia, as there are formal domains and domains that are not formal. In the diglosia society to domains that are not formal language can be used in low range (low language), whereas in the domain of formal language variety used is high (high language). Then the selection of a language or variety of a language depends on its domain.According to Fasold (1984:213-214) shifts and pemertahanan language is a result of the selection process the language in a very long period of time. Shifting of languages shows that there is a language that is completely abandoned by the community of speakers. This means that when language shift occurs, a member of a language community is collectively prefers to use a new language than the language that was traditionally used. Conversely, in the pemertahan language of the speakers of a language community is collectively decided to continue to use the language they have or traditionally are usually used.The symptoms that indicate the onset of a shift and pemertahan the language can also be observed. For example, when there are symptoms that indicate that speakers of a language community are starting to choose to use the new language in certain domains that replaced the old language, this gives a signal that the process of ongoing language shift. However, when a community of speakers of the language were monolingual and collectively do not use other languages, then this clearly means that the language communities maintain their usage patterns.Pemertahanan language not only occurred in the community of the saidmonolingual, but occurs also in the communities bilingualisme and multilingualisme. However, this kind of thing only happens when a community of speakers of the language diglosia. System pemertahanan language multilingul language in a community like this is show symptoms that the speakers ' use of a particular language in certain domains and use other languages in other domains. Therefore, in a community of this kind occurring dynamics of language use.Some conditions are likely to be associated with the shift of language. However, the most basic condition is bilingualisme, although bilingualisme is not the only thing that encourages the occurrence of language shift. According to Lieberson (Susi Yuliawati, 2008:11) almost all cases of language shift in a society going through the transition intergenerasi. In other words, the transition of language occurs through several generations in one community in a period of time long enough. However, there are also communities for centuries, so this means that the existence of the community does not mean the impending shift in language. Some other factors that triggers a shift in language.Those factors include migration, whether conducted by a small group to the area that is causing their language is no longer used, as well as by large groups of local population to introduce a new language; industrialization and economic change; language schools and Government policy; the higher the prestige of urbanization; and fewer population numbers for the languages underwent a shift. This is in line with what is expressed by Holmes (2001) that the factors that medorong shifting language is fakor economic, social, political, demographic, behavioral, and value in a community.The Language Of The AlayAlay is derived from the Older Kites. Language language might say tacky Alay, because the language is indeed seriously not memngenal ethics and language, usually playing kites are children of kampung (people often also commands the city, but the suburbs). When we use the language of Alay indirectly have been harassing opponents talk of us either in writing or orally. In general language alay more appear in form of writing (UR8studio-desainmultimedia.blogspot.com).Alay, Alah lebay, son Wither, or Older children with keLayapan Jarpul (rarely come home). But most santer is the son of kites. Its dominating, the term is to describe the child, generally cool fashion snobs, the works (music) as well as the behaviour in General. It is said that origin, alay interpreted "kampong" because of the child that the average redheads and dark Tan skinned because most main kites.Here is the sense of the alay according to some scholars (Rev. Adi Putra Ginting, 2010):Koentjara Influential: "Alay is a symptom experienced by young adults have Indonesia, which wants to recognized his status among his peers. This symptom will change the style of the writing, and berpakain style, while enhancing the kenarsisan, which is quite annoying the public cyberspace (read: true, internet usersKayak bloggers and kaskuser). These Properties are expected to soon be lost, if it will not interfere with the surrounding communities.Selo Soemaridjan: "Alay teen behavior is Indonesia, which makes itself felt cool, gorgeous, fabulous among others. This is contrary to the nature of the people of Indonesia who is courteous, polite, and friendly. Factors that could cause through the medium of TV (tv series), and with other musicianslike that. "One feature of the alay is his strange and beyond reason and common sense. Here, I will classify the alay-alay to several levels or strata according to of their writing (here I am not willing to ngebahas alay of face or facial appearance, is the grant of God which is a boon for us.
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
Expression language describes the tendency of public speakers. Therefore, to study and clarify the language must necessarily involve the social aspects of the imaging community (Harimurti Kridalaksana, 1985: 4), such as social order, social strata, age, environment and others. In contrast to what was said by Chomsky that language is asocial because it ignores the heterogeneity that exists in society, good social status, education, age, sex, cultural background, and others (Silal Arimi, 2008). Chomsky (in Wardhaugh, 1986 : 10) sorting between language on the one hand and culture on the other. In studying the language associated with the socio-cultural will produce four possibilities. First, the social structure can influence and determine the structure of language or behavior. Second, the structure of language and behavior can influence and determine the social structure. Third, the relationship is reciprocal. Fourth, the social structure and the structure of the language completely unrelated, this is embraced by Chomsky. The role of the main language is a tool for communication between people with each other in a society. This is in accordance with the opinion of Mustakim (1994: 2) that the language as a communication tool used by community members to build relationships with other people who have a common language. With language, humans can be interconnected with other humans, although social background and the culture is different. Therefore, the most basic function of language is to communicate (PWJ Nababan, 1993: 40), which is a tool fellow human relationships and communications so as to form a social system or society. Language as part of the community is a social phenomenon that can not be separated from the wearer. Sociolinguistics as a branch of linguistics is an interdisciplinary science of language and social sciences, trying to put the position in relation to the use of language in society. Aspects related to the quality speakers and language skills of a person. Aspects of language use refers to the areas of life that is the domain of language use (Hasan Alwi and Sugono, 2000). In the era of globalization required a formulation of the provisions on the use of the Indonesian language. This is considering that issue in Indonesian language is very complicated. In Indonesia there are more than 728 local languages. Regional languages ​​that live and thrive and used faithfully by native speakers. Moreover, in Indonesia there is a foreign language. Although the position and function of the local language and a foreign language it is set to use, still use the local language and a foreign language (English) is used arbitrarily by the user. That fact would marginalize the use of the Indonesian language. As said by Hudson (1980) language variety that depends on who, what, when, where, why. Thus, in formal situations would have been a variety of formal elected, whereas in non-formal situations variety of non-formal course also be used. For a variety of non-formal election is not cause for concern. Indonesian mixed use code with slang, jargon, slang, or regional language while not not be used in formal situations not need to worry. However, the worries that the Indonesian formal variance (standard) was used not as it should be. Variations or variety of formal it is used, among other things, in his official speech, official meetings, correspondence offices, religious lectures, textbooks, scientific papers (Nababan, 1993). According to Fishman (in Chaer & Agustina, 1995: 204) to assess Language selection can be performed using a particular institutional context, called domains, in which showed a tendency to use one particular variation than the other variations. Domain seen as a constellation of factors such as location, topic, and participants, such as family, neighbors, friends, transaction, pemetintahan, education, etc. For example if a speaker speaks in a family environment then it is said to be in the family domain. Domain analysis is usually associated with the analysis of diglossia, because no domain is a domain that is not formal and formal. Diglossia in the community for a domain that is not formal language can be used a variety of low (low language), whereas in the domain of the formal use of language diversity (high language). Then the election of one language or variety of language depending on the domain. According Fasold (1984: 213-214) and the preservation of language shift is the result of the election process language in a very long period of time. The shift of language indicates a language that is totally abandoned by the community of native speakers. This means that when a language shift occurs, members of a language community collectively prefer to use a new language rather than the old language that is traditionally worn. By contrast, in pemertahan language speakers of a language community collectively decided to continue to use the language that they have or that traditionally usually used. The symptoms that indicate a shift and pemertahan language can also be observed. For example, when there are symptoms that indicate that the speakers of a language community began to choose to use the new language in specific domains that replaces the old language, it gives a signal that the process of language shift is underway. However, if the community of speakers of the language monolingual and collectively do not use another language, then clearly this means that the language community is maintaining the pattern of use of language, preservation of language is not just happening in the community said that monolingual, but also occurred in the community of bilingualism and multilingualism , However, this sort of thing only happens when a community of speakers of the language diglossia. Retention system language linguistic communities multilingul like this show symptoms that the speakers use a certain language in specific domains and use other languages ​​in other domains. Therefore, in this kind of community the dynamics of language use. Some conditions tend to be associated with a shift in the language. However, the most fundamental condition is bilingualism, although bilingualism is not the only thing that leads to a shift in the language. According Lieberson (in Susi Yuliawati, 2008: 11) nearly all cases of language shift in society occurs through intergenerational transition. In other words, the transition of language occurs through several generations in one community in a fairly long period of time. However, there is also a community for centuries so this means that the existence of the community does not mean to be a shift in the language. Some other factors that trigger a shift in the language. Such factors include migration, whether committed by a small group to the region that caused their language is no longer used, as well as by a large group who introduced the local population with a new language; industrialization and economic change; language schools and government policies; urbanization higher prestige; and the population is less for the language shift. This is in line with what is proposed by Holmes (2001) that the factors that encourages language shift is fakor economic, social, political, demographic, behavioral, and value in a community. Language Alay Alay comes from the Children's Kites. Alay language can be said plebeian language, because the language is seriously not memngenal ethics and generally speaking that flying kites is a children's village (the town juaga often, however suburb). If we use the language Alay indirectly harassing our speaker either in writing or orally. In general, the more visible Alay language in written form (8studio-desainmultimedia.blogspot.com). Alay, Alah lebay, Children Withered, or wander Children who connect with children Jarpul (Rare Home). But the most widely reported was the son of a kite. Dominance, this term to describe children who sok cool, in a fashion, the work of (music) as well as behavior in general. It is said that its origin, Alay means "son of the village" because the village children the average red-haired and skinned brown dark because most playing kites. Here is the definition that tracks according to some experts (Rev. Adi Putra Ginting, 2010): Koentjara Ningrat: "Alay is symptoms experienced Indonesian youth, who want to be recognized status among their peers. These symptoms will change the writing style, and the style of dress, while enhancing kenarsisan, which is quite disturbing public virtual world (read: Internet users are true, like bloggers and newbie) . It is expected that these properties disappear immediately, if it will not interfere with the surrounding community. Selo Soemaridjan: "Alay is adolescent behavior Indonesia, which made ​​him feel cool, pretty, great among others. This is contrary to the nature of the Indonesian People were courteous, polite, and friendly. Factors that cause could be through the medium of TV (soap operas), and musicians dressed like that. "One of the characteristics of the Alay is his strange and beyond logic and common sense. Here, I would classify Alay-Alay to some degree or according to their level of writing (here I am not going ngebahas Alay or appearance of the face, the face is a gift of God which is a gift to us.

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