Adapun hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan diatas menunjukkan bahwa  translation - Adapun hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan diatas menunjukkan bahwa  English how to say

Adapun hasil penelitian yang telah

Adapun hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan diatas menunjukkan bahwa faktor penghambat yang mempengaruhi keputusan Just In Time penggunaan komponen pracetak di perusahaan konstruksi Kota Surabaya adalah ketidakpastian cuaca atau lingkungan proyek. Identifikasi ini sangat perlu dilakukan khususnya pada proyek bangunan bertingkat karena dikerjakan pada lahan terbuka. Cuaca basah atau hujan cenderung menyulitkan pengendalian peralatan, baik mobilisasinya dilakukan dilokasi yang akan dikerjakan, penyebab keterlambatan, dan kualitas kerja yang berpengaruh pada biaya proyek. Sebagai contoh pelaksanaan konstruksi yang dilakukan pada tempat tinggi dengan kecepatan angin kencang, akan mempengaruhi penggunaan crane dan perIu pengontrolan debu, tambahan perancang sementara untuk menahan dari hempasan angina (Aji, 2011). Di Kota Surabaya, saat hujan deras melanda, sebagian besar jalanan di kota ini sering tergenang air, sehingga menghambat lalu lintas dan menyebabkan banyak sekali kendaraan yang mogok. Selain itu, hujan deras juga dapat menimbulkan kerusakan lingkungan seperti tanah longsor, pohon tumbang, dan juga banjir yang menggenangi tempat tinggal. Pada saat terjadi banjir, pengiriman akan terganggu. Komponen yang tidak tepat waktu sampai di lokasi proyek akan menyebabkan waktu pengerjaan juga terganggu. Di Kota Surabaya, hujan deras terjadi pada bulan-bulan tertentu. Menurut data Stasiun Meteorologi Perak I Surabaya, dalam 5 tahun terakhir jumlah curah hujan relatif tinggi daripada tahun-tahun sebelumnya yaitu dengan rata-rata sebesar 1841.5 mm/tahun. Dengan curah hujan tertinggi terjadi pada tahun 2010 dengan curah hujan 2262.9 mm dan terendah pada tahun 2012 yaitu sebesar 1543.6 mm. Masalah ini menjadi pertimbangan perusahaan konstruksi menggunakan komponen pracetak yang langsung siap pasang di site proyek. Kondisi Surabaya dengan curah hujan relative tinggi akan menghambat pengiriman dan pemasangan komponen pracetak dan juga kesiapan peralatan. Keterlambatan dalam pekerjaan konstruksi diakibatkan karena tertunda kemajuan di tempat kerja akibat cuaca buruk, kekurangan tenaga kerja, musim perayaan, dll. Sehingga akan menunda pemasangan komponen pracetak, dan menyebabkan waktu penyimpanan lebih lama di lokasi proyek (Pheng dan Chuan, 2001).
Material komponen pracetak yang memungkinkan dengan metode JIT ialah beton. Pengecoran beton pada saat hujan akan membuat beton berpeluang tidak mencapai mutu yang ditargetkan karena tercampurnya adukan beton dengan air hujan. Sehingga pandangan project manajer yang telah menerapkan metode JIT, masalah tersebut akan menimbulkan pemborosan dan tidak tercapainya nilai tambah.
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
As for the results of the research that has been done above shows that the factors which affect the decision restricting Just In Time the use of prefabricated components in Surabaya City construction company is the uncertainty of the weather or environmental projects. The identification of this very necessary especially on multi-storey building projects because it is done on open land. Wet weather or rain likely to complicate control equipment, well it mobilization undertaken in what that will be done, the cause of the delay, and the quality of work that affect the cost of the project. As an example of the implementation of the construction is done at high speed with high winds, will affect the use of cranes and dust control, the need for additional temporary designer to withhold from the dashes of angina (Aji, 2011). In the city of Surabaya, when heavy rain hit, most of the city's streets are often flooded, thus impeding traffic and causing an awful lot of vehicle broke down. In addition, heavy rainfall can also cause environmental damage such as landslides, uprooted trees, and also floods inundate the place to live. In the event of flooding, the delivery will be interrupted. A component that is not timely arrive at the location of the project will cause the time work was also interrupted. In the city of Surabaya, the heavy rain occur in certain months. According to the data of meteorological station Silver I Surabaya, in the last 5 years the number of relatively high rainfall than previous years with an average of 1841.5 mm/year. With the highest rainfall happened in 2010 with 2262.9 mm of rainfall and the lowest in 2012 i.e. of 1543.6 mm. This issue into consideration construction companies use prefabricated components are instantly ready to put on the site of the project. The condition of Surabaya with a relative high rainfall will inhibit the delivery and installation of prefabricated components and also the readiness of the equipment. The delay in construction work caused due to delayed progress at work due to bad weather, a shortage of manpower, the season of celebration, etc. So will delay the installation of prefabricated components, and cause a longer storage time in the project location (Pheng and Chuan, 2001). Prefabricated component materials that enable the JIT is concrete. Casting concrete on rainy days will make the concrete could not reach the targeted quality because of tercampurnya mortar concrete with rain water. So the view of project managers who have implemented the method JIT, those problems will cause a waste and doesn't achieve added value.
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
The research results that have been done indicate that factors that influence the decision of Just In Time use of precast components in Surabaya City construction company is the uncertainty of weather or environmental projects. This identification is very necessary, especially in multi-storey building project because it is done on open land. Wet weather or rain likely to complicate control equipment, better mobilization carried out a location that will be done, the cause of the delay, and the quality of work that affect the cost of the project. As an example of the construction is done on a high-speed winds, will affect the use of cranes and perIu dust control, while additional designer to withstand the blows from angina (Aji, 2011). In the city of Surabaya, when the heavy rains, most of the streets in the city is often flooded, hampering traffic and causes a lot of vehicles that broke down. In addition, heavy rains can also cause environmental damage such as landslides, fallen trees, as well as floods that inundated the residence. In the event of flooding, the delivery will be interrupted. Components that are not timely reach the location of the project will lead to the processing time is also affected. In the city of Surabaya, following heavy rainfall in certain months. According to data from the Meteorological Station Perak I Surabaya, in the last 5 years the amount of rainfall is relatively higher than in previous years, namely with an average of 1841.5 mm / year. With the highest rainfall occurred in 2010 with a rainfall of 2262.9 mm and the lowest in 2012 in the amount of 1543.6 mm. This issue into consideration the construction company using precast components are immediately ready for installation at the project site. Surabaya condition with relatively high rainfall will hinder the delivery and installation of precast components and equipment readiness. Delays in the construction work caused by delayed progress at work due to bad weather, shortage of labor, the festive season, etc. So it will delay the installation of precast components, and cause longer storage time at the project site (Pheng and Chuan, 2001).
Material precast components that enable the JIT method is concrete. Casting concrete in the rain will make a concrete opportunity to not reach the quality target for the mixing of concrete mix with rain water. So the view of project managers who have implemented JIT method, the problem will lead to waste and not achieving added value.
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