Anna menghukum Putra Mahkota. Raja bahkan memerintahkan pelayan mengir translation - Anna menghukum Putra Mahkota. Raja bahkan memerintahkan pelayan mengir English how to say

Anna menghukum Putra Mahkota. Raja

Anna menghukum Putra Mahkota. Raja bahkan memerintahkan pelayan mengirim makanan ke
sekolah, bukan untuk Putra Mahkota, tetapi untuk Anna yang menunggui Putra Mahkota yang
ngotot tidak mau menjalani hukuman menulis seribu kalimat. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa
respek Raja terhadap Anna mulai meningkat.
Suara Anna (suara perempuan) mulai menuai respek demi respek ketika ia mampu berdebat
dengan cerdas dan logis tentang isu perbudakan dalam kasus La Ore seperti tampak dalam
dialog antara Raja dan Kralahome berikut ini:
The Kralahome shook his head. “Your Majesty, I believe there has been enough insult caused by
this woman who believe herself to be the equal of man.”
“Not the equal of man, Chao Phya,” said the King. His gaze remained fixed on the door. “The
equal of a king” (Hand, 1999: 101).
Semenjak kejadian ini, Raja tidak lagi menganggap Anna sebagai sub-ordinat. Sebagai
akibatnya, Raja menyediakan rumah di luar area kerajan seperti janjinya dalam surat resmi. Hal
ini menunjukkan bahwa mereka, lebih kurang, adalah setara dan saling menghormati satu sama
lain serta memiliki teritori sendiri yang tidak seyogyanya dicampuri:
... did Anna turn and ask Mongkut coily, “However, I am very curious. Is this because of our
agreement, or are you simply trying to get rid of me?”
The King gazed up at the blazing blue sky, then at Anna.
“Yes,” he said enigmatically (Hand, 1999: 114-115)
Posisi Anna dalam lingkaran istana menjadi semakin penting karena opininya layak didengarkan.
Dengan demikian, Raja menjadi bergantung pada Anna untuk membantunya menyiapkan dan
menyelenggarakan pesta international ketika kerajaan Siam merencanakan mengundang duta
besar negara asing (Inggris dan Perancis) dengan tujuan untuk memperkuat hubungan antara
Siam dan negara asing.
Meskipun hubungan antara Raja dan Anna sudah menjadi semakin baik, Anna tetap menentang
Raja kapan saja pemikiran Raja dianggap tidak benar oleh Anna. Anna tidak takut membuat Raja
marah seperti ketika ia menolak hadiah Raja, cincin mahal dengan simbol Matahari dan Bulan.
Hal ini disebabkan Anna merasa diperalat oleh Raja yang tidak memberitahukan kepadanya
alasan sebenarnya di balik pesta internasional.
Semua tindakan Anna membuat eksistensi Anna sebagai seorang perempuan yang memiliki
kemampuan intelektual dan penilaian yang bijak dihargai di kalangan istana tidak hanya oleh
Raja tetapi juga oleh Pangeran Chowfa (dalam pesta internasional), oleh Kralahome (khususnya
pada kasus Gajah Putih) dan oleh Putra Mahkota juga Putri Fa Yi. Dengan demikian,
dekonstruksi Anna terhadap tradisi kerajaan Siam bahwa perempuan tidak layak bicara di tempat
resmi dilakukan secara bertahap dengan cara membuktikan pada para laki-laki Siam bahwa
perempuan tidaklah inferior terhadap laki-laki baik dalam hal intelektualitas maupun yang lain.
Meskipun awalnya Anna disambut dengan pandangan permusuhan dan kekesalan, pada
akhirnya kehadiran sosok perempuan, diwakili Anna, di tempat-tempat resmi bisa diterima di
kalangan kerajaan.
Memenangkan Perang sekaligus Menyelamatkan Keluarga dengan
Berkorban Nyawa
Siam waktu itu digambarkan sebagai negara di mana pemberontakan dalam bentuk perang
bukanlah peristiwa yang asing. Biasanya tindakan yang diambil untuk memadamkan
pemberontakan adalah dengan mengirim pasukan perang sehingga terjadi perang yang
memakan banyak nyawa. Ketika Jenderal Alak dengan pasukan bayarannya memberontak
melawan Raja, perang menjadi tak terelakkan lagi. Posisi Raja Mongkut tidak bagus karena
sejumlah besar pasukan perang kerajaan sedang berada di tempat yang jauh untuk meredam
pemberontakan yang ternyata hanya isu palsu. Menghadapi situasi sulit ini, reaksi Raja Mongkut
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
Anna punishes the Crown Prince. The King even ordered the servant to send food to thethe school, rather than to the Crown Prince, but to Anna keep the Crown PrinceStickler did not want to undergo the punishment to write a thousand sentences. This indicates that thethe King's respect toward Anna began to increase.The voice of Anna (female voice) started to reap the respect for the sake of respect when he was able to arguewith intelligent and logical about the issue of slavery in the case of La Ore like it looks in thedialogue between the King and the Kralahome:The Kralahome shook his head. "Your Majesty, I believe there has been enough insult caused byThis woman who believe woman reports herself to be the equal of man. ""Not the equal of man, the Chao Phya road," said the King. His gaze remained fixed on the door. "Thethe equal of a king "(Hand, 1999:101).Since this incident, the King no longer regarded Anna as a sub-ordinat. Asas a result, King provides a home outside of the area of the Kingdom as his promise in a formal letter. ThingsThis shows that they, more or less, is the equivalent of and respect eachother as well as having its own territory does not hasten were interfered:... Anna did turn and ask Mongkut coily, "However, I am very curious. Is this because of ourAgreement, or are you simply trying to get rid of me? "The King gazed up at the blazing blue sky, then at Anna."Yes," he said enigmatically (Hand, 1999:114-115)Anna's position in the circle of the Palace becoming increasingly important because his opinions were worthy to be heard.Thus, King became dependent on Anna to help him prepare andorganizes international party when the Kingdom of Siam is planning to invite Ambassadorforeign countries (the United Kingdom and France) with the aim of strengthening the relationship between theSiam and foreign countries.Although the relationship between the King and Anna is already getting better, Anna still opposedKing anytime Raja is not considered correct by Anna. Anna wasn't afraid to make Kingangry like when he refused gifts of expensive rings with the King, the symbol of the Sun and the moon.This is due to Anna feel diperalat by the King who did not inform himthe real reason behind the international party.All the action of existence make Anna Anna as a woman who hasintellectual ability and judgement of wisdom appreciated among the Palace not only byThe King but also by Prince Chowfa (in the party), Kralahome (especially byin the case of the white elephant) and by the Crown Prince is also the daughter of Fa Yi. Thus,Anna deconstruction against the Kingdom of Siam tradition that women are not worth talking to in placeofficial done gradually by way of proving on the female Siamese thatwomen are not inferior towards males either in terms of intellect as well as the other.Though initially greeted with view Anna animosity and vexation, onFinally the presence of the figure of the woman, Anna, represented in official places could be accepted in theamong the kingdoms.Winning the war while Sparing families withSacrificed LivesSiam time was described as the State where the rebellion in the form of waris not a foreign event. Usually actions taken to put out thethe uprising is to send troops so the war wartakes a lot of lives. When General Alak with army pay revoltagainst the Kings, war becomes inevitable again. King Mongkut's position was not good becausea large number of troops in the war of kingdoms were in distant places to put downthe rebellion turned out to be just a false issue. The face of this difficult situation, the reaction of the King Mongkut
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
Anna punish the Crown Prince. The king ordered the waitress to send food to
school and not to the Crown Prince, but for Anna guarding the Crown Prince who
insist do not want to undergo the punishment to write a thousand words. This indicates that the
respect for the King against Anna begins to rise.
Sounds Anna (voice of women) begin to reap the respect for the sake of respect when he was able to argue
intelligently and logically about the issue of slavery in the case of La Ore as it appears in
the dialogue between the King and Kralahome following:
The Kralahome shook his head. "Your Majesty, I believe there has been enough insult was the caused by
this woman who believe herself to be the equal of man."
"Not the equal of man, Chao Phya," said the King. Remained His gaze fixed on the door. "The
equal of a king" (Hand, 1999: 101).
Since this incident, King is no longer regarded as a sub-ordinate Anna. As a
result, King provides home outside the kingdom areas as promised in an official letter. It
shows that they are, more or less, are equal and respect each
other and have their own territory which should not be interfered:
... did Anna Mongkut coily turn and ask, "However, I am very curious. Is this because of our
agreement, or are you simply trying to get rid of me? "
The King gazed up at the blazing blue sky, then at Anna.
" Yes, "he said enigmatically (Hand, 1999: 114-115)
Position Anna in court circles is becoming increasingly important because of his opinions are worth listening to.
thus, the King became dependent on Anna to help prepare and
organize parties international when the kingdom of Siam planned to invite ambassadors
of foreign countries (Britain and France) with the aim to strengthen relations between
Siam and the state foreigners.
Although the relationship between the King and Anna has become increasingly better, Anna remained opposed
Raja Raja anytime thought to be false by Anna. Anna is not afraid to make the King
angry as when he refused a gift of King, expensive ring with the symbol of the Sun and the Moon.
This is due to Anna feel manipulated by a king who did not tell him
the real reason behind the party internationally.
All actions Anna makes the existence of Anna as a woman has the
intellectual ability and ratings wise courtiers appreciated not only by the
king but also by Prince Chowfa (the international party), by Kralahome (especially
in the case of the White Elephant) and by Crown Princess also Fa Yi. Thus,
the deconstruction Anna against the royal tradition of Siam that women are not worthy to speak at the
official done gradually in a way to prove to the male Siamese that
women are not inferior to men both intellectually and otherwise.
Although initially Anna greeted with view of hostility and resentment, in
the end the presence of the female figure, represented by Anna, at official venues can be received in
the kingdom.
Winning the war at once Saving Families with
Sacrificing Lives
Siam when it was described as a country where the rebellion in the form of war
is not the events that are foreign. Usually the measures taken to quell
the rebellion is to send combat troops to a war that
takes a lot of lives. When General Alak to pay troops rebelled
against King, the war became inevitable. King Mongkut's not a good position for
a large number of royal army was in a distant land to dampen the
insurgency turned out to be a false issue. Faced with this difficult situation, the reaction of King Mongkut
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