Jika Anda benar-benar berfikiran seperti itu, berarti Anda salah besar translation - Jika Anda benar-benar berfikiran seperti itu, berarti Anda salah besar English how to say

Jika Anda benar-benar berfikiran se

Jika Anda benar-benar berfikiran seperti itu, berarti Anda salah besar, memang benar kalau tempatnya mirip dengan SPBU, namun yang dijual di sini bukanlah bensin, namun tahu. Pada awal tahun 2008, seorang pengusaha factory outlet (FO) dan rumah makan di Bandung bernama Perry Tristianto, tertarik untuk mengembangkan makanan tahu. "Makanan tahu sangat mudah ditemukan di seluruh pelosok Indonesia, namun ya rasanya tetap begitu-begitu saja. Makanya beliau memiliki sebuah rencana untuk membuat terobosan baru dengan menciptakan makanan tahu dengan resep yang berbeda dari yang lainnya.
Hal yang pertama kali dilakukan oleh Perry adalah mencari berbagai campuran tahu yang bahannya sangat mudah untuk ditemukan di kota tempat tinggalnya. Setelah mencari, memilah dan memilih bahan, akhirnya yang beliau pilih adalah susu sapi, yang merupakan salah satu produk terkenal di Lembang. Setelah beberapa kali mengalami ujicoba, barulah dibuka sebuah usaha Tahu Susu Lembang (TSL) pada tangga 22 Desember 2008.
"Selain produk susu, kawasan Lembang juga merupakan sebuah kota tujuan wisata bagi para wisatawan lokal maupun asing. Tempat ini juga dekat dengan Gunung Tangkuban Perahu."
Walaupun dicampur dengan susu, bahan utama dari Tahu Susu Lembang ini tentunya masih tetap kacang kedelai. Keduanya diolah menjadi satu bersama dengan mentega, sehingga dapat menghasilkan susu yang mempunyai tekstur lebih halus dan juga lembut, serta memiliki kandungan protein yang sangat tinggi.
Dengan keunikan akan rasanya, TSL bisa dengan mudah untuk menjadi makanan yang banyak diminati warga Bandung dan sekitarnya. Belum lagi TSL juga memiliki konsep tempat dan cara transaksi yang unik. Sewaktu Anda memasuki kawasan TSL, Anda akan disambut layaknya sedang memasuki area SPBU, namun tulisannya adalah POM Tahu. Setelah diamati, ternyata itu drive thru TSL memang menyerupai sebuah SPBU, dan maksud dari nama POM Tahu tersebut sebenarnya adalah kepanjangan dari Pusat Orang Makan Tahu.
"Memang Banyak pengunjung yang terkecoh. Sebenarnya kami tidak memiliki niat untuk menipu, akan tetapi trik ini ternyata memang cukup berhasil dan efektif untuk menarik para konsumen baru. Ha ha ha," ujar Dede sambil tertawa.
Setiap harinya, TSL ini memproduksi tahu di tempat. Jumlah produksi dari TSL sangat relatif sekali, rata-rata sekitar 5 ribu tahu setiap harinya (ketika hari biasa) dan mencapai rata-rata 20 ribu tahu pada hari libur.

Menu dan Harga Tahu Susu Lembang

Tahu goreng (berisi 10) Rp. 10.000,-
Tahu bungkus, atau tahu bantal (berisi 5) Rp. 10.000,-
Tahu cetak atau takus (berisi 10) Rp. 15.000,-

Ulasan dari Kepala Produksi Tahu Susu Lembang

Menurut Jamal yang merupakan seorang Kepala Produksi TSL, tahu susu ini bisa diolah menjadi beragam masakan dengan cara yang berbeda (rebus, oseng, dan lain sebagainya), jadi bukan hanya bisa digoreng saja.
"Kami membuat tekstur yang berbeda untuk tahu yang digoreng di tempat dengan yang mentah. Untuk yang bisa dimakan di sini (goreng) tahunya akan lebih lembek, namun keduanya juga sama-sama lembutnya kok," ujar Jamal.
Jamal menyarankan, jika Anda menginginkan untuk membuat tahu goreng yang crispy atau renyah, Anda harus menggoreng tahu dengan minyak yang memiliki suhu panas tinggi.
"Usahakan agar tahunya tergenang di dalam minyak. Tahu susu ini rasanya sudah asin, kok, jadi Anda tidak perlu merendamnya kembali dengan air garam."
Lokasi TSL sangat luas. Menempati lahan seluas 2 hektar yang pada awalnya merupakan sebuah kandang kuda, dan ternyata itu tidak hanya diisi dengan POM Tahu saja, tempat untuk produksi, toko oleh-oleh, dan sarana lokasi outbound saja, namun juga terdapat sekitar 10 kios yang menjual aneka macam olahan TSL. Seperti kios kupat tahu lembang, tahu brintik, tahu mendoan, tahu kecap, tahu pletok, batagor tahu, tahu krispi, kembang tahu, dan masih banyak lagi yang lainnya.
"Jujur, sebenarnya kami sudah sangat sibuk untuk mengurusi produksi, makanya untuk olahannya kami mempercayakannya kepada sejumlah tenant kami di sini. Semua olahan tersebut juga sudah melewati berbagai proses ujicoba dari kami kok," tambah Dede.
Bentuk Kemasan Tahu Susu Lembang Seperti Kue Brownies

TSL tidak hanya memikirkan soal rasa, namun juga kemasan dari TSL diusahakan untuk tampil semenarik mungkin. Selain dapat menambah nilai jual, juga supaya sesuai dengan harganya yang tergolong relatif mahal jika dibandingkan dengan tahu yang ada di pasaran. Pilihan pun terjatuh pada sebuah kemasan kue brownies untuk tahu cetak dan kemasan besek bambu untuk tahu bantal.

Alamat dan Lokasi Tahu Susu Lembang
Untuk sementara waktu ini, TSL masih tidak membuka cabang lain, selain di Jl. Raya Lembang No.177, Bandung. Kata sang pemilik, masih ingin mempatenkan resep produknya terlebih dulu. Secara legalitas, ini adalah untuk mengantisipasi supayan nasib dari TSL tidak sama seperti Tahu Sumedang, yang dapat diproduksi di mana saja.

Untuk Anda yang sedang berwisata menuju ke Kota Lembang dan tertarik untuk singgah di tempat ini, Anda dapat berkunjung setiap hari pada pukul 09.00-21.00.
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
If you really thought like that, you're wrong, it's true if its place is similar to a GAS STATION, but is being sold here is not gasoline, but know. In early 2008, a factory outlet (FO) and in Bandung called Perry Tristianto, interested in developing food know. "Food know very easily found in all corners of Indonesia, but yes it feels still so-so only. So he has a plan to create a new breakthrough by creating food know with recipes that are different from the other.The first thing done by Perry is seeking a wide mix of know which material is very easy to find in most quarters. After searching, sorting and selecting the materials, which he finally choose is cow's milk, which is one of the famous product in Lembang. After a few times, the trial opened an Knows Milk Lembang (TSL) on December 22, 2008."In addition to dairy products, the area of the Valley is also a popular tourist destination for both local and foreign tourists. It is also close to mount Tangkuban Perahu. "Although mixed with milk, the main ingredient of Curd Lembang is certainly still in soy beans. Both are processed into one along with the butter, so it can produce milk which has a finer texture and soft, and also has a very high protein content.With the uniqueness will taste, TSL could have easily to become the food of many interested citizens of Bandung and its surroundings. Not to mention the TSL also has the concept of the place and how the transaction is unique. As you enter the area of TSL, you will be greeted like is entering area GAS STATION, but her writing is the POM knows. Once observed, it turns out that drive thru TSL does indeed resemble a GAS STATION, and the meaning of the name is in fact the POMS Knew the length from the Centre people eat out."Indeed attracted many visitors. Actually we have no intention to deceive, but this trick did in fact quite successful and effective way to attract new customers. Ha ha ha, "said Dede while laughing.Every day, the TSL produces know in place. The number of production of the TSL is very relative once, averaging around 5 thousand know each day (when the regular day) and reached an average of 20 thousand idea on holidays.Menu and Price Curd LembangFried tofu (10) 10000.0-Rp.Know, or know wrap pillow (contains 5) Rp. 10000.0-Idea print or takus (10) 15000.0-Rp.Reviews of Curd Production Head LembangAccording to Jamal who was a head of production of TSL, this curd can be processed into a variety of cuisines in different ways (boiled, fried, etc), so not only can be fried instead."We make different textures to know fried on the spot with the raw. For who can eat here (fried) him will be more soft, but both also equally lembutnya kok, "said Jamal.Jamal suggest, if you want to make the fried tofu that crispy or crunchy, you must know its frying oil that has high heat temperatures."Try to let him return in the oil. Know this milk tastes salty, kok already, so you don't need soaking returned with salt water. "Location of TSL. Occupying a land area of 2 hectares initially is a stables, and it turns out it wasn't just filled with POM Knows only, a place for production, gift shop, and a means of outbound only, but there are also about 10 stalls which sell a wide range of processed TSL. Such a stall kupat know lembang, brintik know, know, know mendoan soy sauce, tofu pletok, batagor know, know krispi, beancurd, and much more."Honestly, we've been very busy to manage production, hence for petrol we entrusted it to a number of our tenant here. All these preparations also had passed the tests of the various processes of our kok, "added Dede.The Shape Of The Packaging Of The Curd Cake-Like Brownies LembangTSL does not think only a matter of taste, but also the packaging of TSL laboured to appear as attractive as possible. In addition to selling can add value, it shall be in accordance with the price included relatively expensive when compared to know that exist in the market. The choice of any fall on a brownie cake packaging to know print and besek to know bamboo pillow.Address and location of the curd LembangFor a while this time, TSL is still not opening other branches, other than on JL. Raya No. 177, Lembang, Bandung. Said the owner, still want patented prescription products first. Legal basis, this is to anticipate the supayan fate of TSL is not the same as Knowing Sumedang, that can be produced anywhere.For you who are travelling towards the city of Lembang and interested to visit this place, you can visit every day at 09.00-21.00.
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
If you really were thinking like that, you're wrong, it's true that the place is similar to the pump, but sold here is not gasoline, but know. In early 2008, an entrepreneur factory outlet (FO) and eating houses in Bandung named Perry Tristianto, keen to develop the food out. "Food out very easily found throughout Indonesia, but yes it's still so-so alone. That's why he has a plan to make a new breakthrough by creating food out with a prescription that is different from the others.
It was first performed by Perry are looking for various mixtures to know that the material is very easy to be found in the town where he lived. After searching, sorting and selecting materials, eventually that he chose is cow's milk, which is one of the famous products in Lembang. After several trials, then opened an effort to Know Milk Lembang (TSL) in household December 22, 2008.
"In addition to dairy products, Lembang area is also a tourist destination for local and foreign tourists. This place is also close to Mount Maras.
"Despite mixed with milk, the main ingredient of Tofu Milk Lembang is certainly still soybean. Both are processed into one with butter, so as to produce milk which has a finer texture and soft, as well as protein content is very high.
The uniqueness will taste, TSL can easily to be the food that attracted many residents of Bandung and its surroundings. Not to mention the TSL also has the concept of place and manner unique transaction. When you enter the area TSL, you will be welcomed like is entering a gas station area, but his writing is POM Know. Once observed, it turns out that the drive thru TSL indeed resembles a petrol station, and the purpose of POM Know the name is actually a continuation of the Center for Eating People Know.
"Indeed Many visitors were fooled. Actually we do not have the intention to deceive, but the trick was indeed quite successful and effective way to attract new customers. Ha ha ha, "Dede said with a laugh.
Every day, TSL is producing out on the spot. Total production of TSL very relative one, an average of about 5 thousand out every day (when a normal day) and reached an average of 20 thousand out on holidays. Menu and Price Tofu Milk Lembang fried tofu (containing 10) Rp. 10.000, - Know wrap, or know cushions (contains 5) Rp. 10.000, - Know print or Takus (containing 10) Rp. 15.000, - Review of Head of Production Know Milk Lembang According to Jamal, who is a Head of Production TSL, know this milk can be processed into a variety of dishes in different ways (boiled, stir, and so forth), so not only can be fried only. "We create different textures to know which are fried in a place with which raw. To that can be eaten here (fried) him will be mushy, but they are also equally soft anyway, "said Jamal. Jamal suggest, if you want to make tofu fried crispy or crunchy, you should fry know with oil that has high summer temperatures. "Try to keep him flooded in oil. Know this milk tastes already salty, anyway, so you do not need to soak them again with salt water. "Location TSL is very broad. It occupies an area of 2 hectares, which was originally a horse stable, and it turns out it is not only filled with POM know, the place for production, souvenir shops and facilities location outbound, but also there are about 10 stalls selling various kinds of processed TSL. As kiosks Kupat know lembang know Brintik, know mendoan, tofu soy sauce, tofu pletok, batagor know, know krispi , bean curd, and much more. "Honestly, in fact we've been very busy taking care of the production, so for our dairy entrusted to a number of our tenants here. All these preparations are also already passed through various processes of trial from us anyway, "added Dede. Form Packaging Know Milk Lembang As Cakes Brownies TSL not only think about the taste, but also the packaging of TSL efforts are made ​​to appear as attractive as possible. In addition to be able to add value, as well that according to the price which are relatively expensive when compared to out on the market. The choice also fell on a bundle brownies to know the printing and packaging baskets bamboo to know cushions. Address and Location Know Milk Lembang For the time being, TSL is still not open another branch, in addition to at Jl. Raya Lembang 177, Bandung, said the owner, still wants to patent prescription products first. By legality, is to anticipate the fate of TSL supayan not like Know Sumedang, which can be produced in which only. To you who are traveling to the city of Lembang and keen to stop at this place, you can visit every day at 9 a.m. to 9 p.m..

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