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English) 2:
Sipayung, Margaretha Ervina. 2016. Social Conflict People in Novel Maryam Maryam Okky Madasari Work: Study of Sociology of Literature. Thesis S1. Indonesia Literary Studies Program, Faculty of Arts, University of Sanata Dharma. This study examines the topic of social conflict in the novel Maryam Maryam figures. Conflict is a social process in which individuals or groups of people trying to meet its goal by the opposing parties opposed accompanied by threats of violence. The purpose of this study were (i) describe the structure which includes the novel Maryam character and characterization, plot, and setting, and (ii) describe social conflicts experienced by characters in the novel Maryam Maryam Madasari Okky work. This study uses a structural assessment approach and the approach of sociology of literature with social conflict theory developed by Soerjono Soekanato. Methods of data collection in this study using three techniques, namely, technical literature, see engineering, and technical notes. Furthermore, to analyze the data that has been collected, used methods of content analysis. The results of this study were (1) Description of novel structure Maryam Madasari Okky works which include: character and characterization, plot, and setting. (2) The results of subsequent research showed social conflict character in the novel Maryam Maryam Madasari Okky work. In the novel Mary, there are four protagonists, namely, Mary, Umar, Mr. Khairdddin, and Zulkhair. The fourth character is an actor who holds the character of the story by bringing ideas to the problems facing the truth. Meanwhile, the antagonist in this study is Nature, Mother Nature, Mr. RT, Pak Haji, and the Governor. The results of the study of sociology of literature with development theory Soerjono Soekanto to the theory of social conflict experienced leader Maryam revealed some social conflicts as follows: (1) Conflict due to differences in the individual which is the establishment and feelings that can lead to clashes advance of individuals. The division of the conflict in the character of Mary which include: differences between individuals, differences between individuals and groups, and the differences between the groups with the group. (2) Conflicts because of cultural differences is the personality differences of individuals who depend on the cultural patterns that become the background of the formation and development of the personality. The division conflict cultural differences include: special culture on the basis of regionalism, a special culture based on religion, culture and social class lodging.
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