PAROKI HAYAM WURUK YANG KUKENAL Saya memiliki hak yang istimewa untuk  translation - PAROKI HAYAM WURUK YANG KUKENAL Saya memiliki hak yang istimewa untuk  English how to say



Saya memiliki hak yang istimewa untuk melayani Paroki St.Anthonius di JI.Hayam Wuruk Medan,dari tahun 1972 sampai tahun 1983. Hal itu karena pemeliharaan dari Tuhan sehingga saya dapat mendarat di Indonesia sebagai seorang missionaries dan menghabiskan lebih dari 30 tahun hidup dan melakukan missi saya untuk bekerja dalam Keuskupan Agung Medan.
Sebagai seorang pelajar Jesuit dari orang India,saya secara sukarela pergi dan bermissi di Malaysia sesudah pelajaran Filsafat di India dan kebetulan saya melewati tahun pastoral (TOP) di Kuala Lumpur thn 1966 -1967. Tetapi sehubungan dengan system imgrasi yang baru,saya tidak bisa tinggal di Malaysia dalam waktu Iama,sehingga Superior/Atasan saya mengirim saya ke Indonesia untuk melaksanakan pelajaran Theology dengan harapan agar setelah pentahbisan imam,saya bisa kembali ke Malaysia untuk mengerjakan missi saya.
Sayangnya saya tidak bisa kembali kesana,dan Tuhan memilih Indonesia sebagai tanah missi saya. Benar benar bahwa "Jalan kita bukanlah jalan Tuhan".

Sekarang saya akan cobs untuk menceriterakan secara singkat tentang paroki Hayam Wuruk yang saya ketahui dan berbagi pengalaman hidupku selama sepanjang 12 tahun sebagai masa yang sulit disana.
Saya pertama mendarat di Indonesia pd bulan Mei 1967 dan segera belajar bahasa Indonesia di Jakarta dalam persiapan untuk Teology di Seminari Tinggi St.Paulus Jogjakarta,dan sementara saya belajar theology di Jogja saya segera membaca tentang Keuskupan Agung Medan dan tumpuan dari orang orang Migran India yang tinggal disana. Oleh sebab itu dengan izin dari atasan,saya mengujungi Medan pada bulan Desember 1968 untuk berlibur dan saya diterima dengan hangat oleh Uskup Van Den Hurk OFM Cap,dan saya diperkenankan untuk tinggal di Paroki Hayam Wuruk untuk 3 minggu dan ditemani oleh 2 orang pastor Kapusin yaitu Pastor Timmermans dan Pastor Maximus Brans.Beberapa dari komunitas Katolik India dari Kp.Kristen datang untuk menyalam saya dan memperkenalkan mereka Dan itulah kali pertama saya dapat berkomunikasi dengan Paroki JI.Hayam Wuruk.
Dan sebagai basis dari Komunitas asli India di Medan atau untuk hari kelahiran dari Paroki Hayam Wuruk, sangat sedikit dokumentasi yang ada.Bagaimanapun,ada beberapa tradisi lisan tentang sejarah orang Tamil yang tinggal dan bekerja diperkebunan dan sekitar Deli Serdang pada akhir abad ke19 terbentuk pada intinya utk kelahiran Paroki Hayam Wuruk.
Menurut sesepuh dari Komunitas India ini,beberapa dari keluarga ini dibawa langsung dari India Selatan-Pandichery dan Tamilnadu oleh oarng Perancis namun yang lain kelihatannya datang dari Penang Malaysia sesudah bekerja disini untuk beberapa lama.
Diantara orang orang India itu,beberapa keluarga Katolik dipekerjakan oleh Perusahaan Perancis di perkebunan Tembakau Deli di daerah Sei Sikambing dipinggiran Kota Medar Sebagai bagian dad kepercayaan iman mereka,perusahaan menyiapkan sebuah kapel dimana keluarga Katolik dapat bertemu dan dapat memperoleh pelayanan agama yang dilayani dengan bahasa daerahnya (Tamil) pada setiap had Minggu.Kadang kadang ada beberapa kunjungan pastor untuk merayakan Misa Kudus dalam bahasa Tamil membuat mereka sangat berbahagia.
Selama masa itu Sumatera Utara tertutup untuk gereja Katolik oleh aturan Kolonial Belanda dan dengan demikian gereja Protestan berkembang dibeberapa daerah di Sumut.Pada abad 20 Mgr Brans OFM Cap,Apostolik Padang diizinkan menetap di Medan dan dengan begitu misi Katolik terlihat mulai jelas di Sumatera Utara.
Pastor Ferdinandus Van Loon PFM Cap, yang tiba di Medan dad Belanda pd tgl 20 Agustus 1912 diminta untuk mengawasi keimanan yang diperlukan oleh Komunitas Tamil dan akhimya ditunjuk sebagai Pastor untuk membantu orang orang Tamil diperkebunan.Agar kerasulannya effective,dia mulai belajar bahasa Tamil dan pergi ke Penang untuk mengembangkan bahasanya di thn 1913. Sesudah beberapa bulan di Penang,dia kembali ke Medan akhir bulan Juli 1913 dan memberikan hati dan jiwanya untuk memelihara kawanan yang dicintainya.Sesudah melayani mereka yang tersebar diperkebunan dalam beberapa bulan,pastor Van Loon mencoba membangun dan memberikan pembelajaran (sekolah) kepada anak anak mereka.Terimakasih kepada Mgr Brans dan Provinsial Kapusin setapak tanah dibeli di Petisah antara JI.Mojopahit dan Sriwijaya. Itulah ditanah itu keluarga keluarga ini dikumpuikan,sebuah kapel dan tempat tinggal kecil untuk pastor dibangun pada tahun 1914.
Dalam bulan Maret 1915 sebuah semi permanent Sekolah dasar dibangun dan diresmikan dengan 52 anak anak tamil.Sebab dia tidak bisa mengurus sendiri peningkatan jumiah orang orang India Katolik dia memohon bantuan suster suster untuk menolongnya mengurus sekoiah dan asramanya.Karenanya atas permintaan dad Mgr Brans,6 orang suster dad Konggregasi St.Yoseph dad Amersfoot tiba di Medan pada tgl 28 January 1931 untuk membantu Pastor Van Loon dalam missinya. Mereka bekerja untuk orang omag India dan mengawasi sekoiah dan anak diasrama.
Sekolah juga difungsikan sebagai gereja untuk berliturgi sampai sebuah gereja bare ( yang sekarang adalah gereja paroki yang dipersembahkan untuk St.Antonius) dibangun dan diberkati dalam had Minggu pada tg1.14 Nopember 1915 dan sesudah setahun rumah paroki ditambahkan dikompleks gereja dalam bin Oktober 1916.
Dengan pendirian Gereja untuk orang India di Hayam Wuruk,Kota Medan mempunyai 3 gereja secara keseluruhan adalah :
• Gereja Katedral JI.Pemuda
Gereja Kristus Raja JI.Hakka sekarang Jl.Nusantara.

• Gereja St.Antonius JI.Hayam Wuruk.
Kesemuanya ini dikenal pada waktu itu sebagai gereja untuk orang Eropah,gereja orang Tionghoa dan gereja orang India dalam fungsinya sebab bahasa Belanda,Tionghoa dan India dipergunakan disamping bahasa Latin sebagai bahasa liturgy yang dipergunakan selama pelayanan misa.Tetapi tentu saja dalam kurun waktu hal ini hilang sebab masyarakat dari ras yang lain masuk kedalam paroki paroki ini.Apa yang dimulai sebagai Pusat Missi untuk komunitas India dipermulaan abad 20,paroki Hayam Wuruk telah menjadi sebua paroki yang besar dengan campuran dari berbagai suku,dan bahasa India,China Batak dan Jawa.Di awal tahun 70-an gereja ini terdiri dari beberapa stasi seperti Sei Sikambing,Sunggal,Padang kanBulan dan Sei Agul.
Sesudah ceritera singkat dari sejarah perkembangan Paroki Hayam Wuruk,saya ingin melanjut ceritera kehidupan saya di Paroki Hayam Wuruk.
Segera setelah pentahbisan imam saya pada 27 Desember 1970,dan sesudah menyelesaikan pelajaran Theology di India,saya mencoba masuk ke Malaysia untuk bermissi,Tetapi visa saya ke Malaysia dicegah sehingga impian saya untuk menjadi missionaries di Malaysia menjadi lenyap.ltulah pada waktunya keuskupan Agung Medan,Mgr Van Den Hurk mengubungi atasan saya dan memohon permisi sehingga saya bisa berkarya di KAM,sehingga pada bulan Mei 1972 saya datang ke Medan dan memulai kehidupan pastoral saya sebagai Pastor Rekan diparoki Hayam Wuruk dalam penggembalaan pst Timmermans dan pst Brans.Saya diberikan mandat khusus oleh Uskup Agung untuk melayani komunitas omag India dalam tugas pastoral saya.
Setelah pastor Van Loon meninggal,umumnya orang India yang tinggal di Medan dan orang orang Katolik yang ada di Kp Kristen merasa bagaikan domba tanpa Penggembalaan.Oleh sebab itu,kedatangan saya seolah olah membangkitkan kembali pengharapan untuk masa depan yang lebih baik.
Pada permulaan tugas pastoral saya,segalanya berjalan lancar saja dengan kerja sama yang baik dari masyarakat Kp.Kristen.Tetapi waktu saya lihat bahwa komunitas Katolik India ini sedikit terbelakang dalam hal ekonomi,pendidikan,keagamaan dan perbandingan kehidupan social lainnya dengan orang India lain di Medan,saya mau membawa perubahan yang signifikan di Kp.Kristen.Sebagai langkah awal,project pendidikan untuk anak anak direncanakan sebab hanya sebagian dari mereka yang menamatkan tingkat Sekolah Dasar. Sejak pendidikan yang akan membawa perubahan kepada sikap mental, dan membuat harapan yang lebih balk untuk anak anak dan memberikan rasa hornat, saya mendirikan bangunan 2 tingkat mulifungsi di JI.Mataram Medan dengan nama Lembaga Pendidikan Sosial Karya Dharma pada Desember 1973.,dengan pemberkatan dari Uskup Agung dan bantuan dan support dari beberapa masayrakat India di Medan . Bangunan Karya Darma melayani sebagai sekolah dasar dan juga sebagai pusat social dan kegiatan activitas untuk orang orang Kp.Kristen untuk beberapa tahun.
Sekolah Karya Darma telah banyak melayani ratusan anak anak India dan sesudah 25 tahun pelayannnya sekolah tersebut diserahkan kepengawasan dari Yayasan Don Bosco dan sekarang difungsikan atas nama SD. St Thomas VNI di JI.Mataram Medan. Saya sangat senang dan bahkan bangga bahwa banyak alumni Karya Dharma sudah masuk Sekolah Tinggi dan bahkan ke Universitas dan sekarang sudah beker]a dibanyak daerah di Indonesia,
Dalam usaha saya untuk membawa perubahan sosial dalalm memperbaiki kehidupan Kp.Kristen dengan segala kesusahannya dengan penyebeam keluarga dari sana sehingga mereka dapat belajar untuk hidup dengan suku suku lain diintegritas nasional, saya bertemu dengan perseteruan yang kaku.Bagaimanapun,rencananya sudah sebagian yang berhasil sebab semua yang telah meninggalkan Kp.Kristen sekarang keadaannnya sudah jauh lebih baik,mereka telah mengalami rahmat dan penyebaran dalam kehidupan mereka.
Semuanya yang hidup dalam penyeberannya telah menjadi komunitas yang baru untuk beberapa tahun terakhir dan membentuk Persekutuan Doa yang berbasis Komunitas Katolik dengan nama Kumpulan St.Bonaventura Orang Katolik Indonesia. Sangat ironi ! Waktu mereka tinggal berdekatan di Kp.Kristen,waktu itu kurang harmonis,banyak kemiskinan,buta huruf,kemunduran moral dan agama,namun waktu mereka tinggal sating berjauhan,mereka terasa bersatu,harmonis,baik dalam ekonomi,baik dalam pendidikan dan segi agama.Sekarang mereka menikamti arus utama dalam kegiatan Paroki Hayam Wuruk. Saya bersyukur kepada Tuhan atas pengalaman yang pahit dan manis dikehidupan ini.
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
THE PARISH OF HAYAM WURUK WHO KUKENAL I have a special right to serve the parish of St. Anthony in the JI. HaYam Wuruk terrain, from 1972 until 1983. This is because maintenance of the Lord so that I can land in Indonesia as one of the missionaries and spent more than 30 years of life and do my mission to work in the Archdiocese of Medan.As a Jesuit student from India, the people I volunteered to go and bermissi in Malaysia after the lesson of philosophy in India and I happened to pass through the pastoral year (TOP) in Kuala Lumpur a year 1966-1967. But with respect to immigration is therefore a new system, I could not stay in Malaysia within Iama, so Superior/my boss sent me to Indonesia to carry out lessons Theology with the hope that after the ordination of priests, I was able to return to Malaysia to work on my mission.Unfortunately I can't go back there, and God chose Indonesia as a land of my mission. True true that "our way is not the way of the Lord".Now I will briefly do relate to cobs of the parish of Hayam Wuruk who I know and share the experience of my life for as long as 12 years hard time there.I first landed in Indonesia pd in May 1967 and soon learn the language of Indonesia in Jakarta in preparation for Teology at High St. Paul Seminary in Jogjakarta, and while I am studying theology in Yogyakarta I immediately read about the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Medan and the object of India that Migrant people living there. Therefore, with the permission of the supervisor, I am visiting Medan in December 1968 for a vacation and I was received warmly by Bishop Van Den Hurk OFM Cap, and I was allowed to live in the parish of Hayam Wuruk for 3 weeks and accompanied by two people in the past namely pastor Pastor and Pastor Timmermans Maximus Brans. some of the Catholic community of India from Kp. Christian came to my menyalam and introduce them and that's the first time I am able to communicate with the parish of JI. Hayam Wuruk.And as the basis of a genuine community of India in the Field or to the birth of the parish of Hayam Wuruk, very little documentation exists. However, there are some oral traditions about the history of the Tamil people who live and work around the Deli Serdang and diperkebunan at the end of the century ke19 was formed on the bottom line for the birth of the parish of Hayam Wuruk.According to the elders of the community of India, some of these families were taken directly from South India-Tamilnadu by Pandichery and thus the French but the others seem to come from Penang Malaysia after working here for some time.Among the people of India, several Catholic family was employed by French companies in tobacco plantations of Deli in the city suburb area of Sei Sikambing Medar as part of dad's belief in their faith, the company set up a chapel where Catholic families can meet and can get service of religion that are served with the language regions (Tamil) on each had week. There is sometimes some visits to celebrate Holy Mass priest in the Tamil language makes them very happy.During that time North Sumatra closed to the Catholic Church by the Netherlands Colonial rule and thus developing in some Protestant areas in North Sumatra in the 20th century Mgr Brans OFM Cap, Apostolic of Padang were allowed to settle in the terrain and the Catholic mission with such apparent visible in North Sumatra.Pastor Ferdinandus Van Loon PFM Cap, who arrived in Medan dad Netherlands pd date August 20, 1912 was asked to oversee the faith required by the Tamil Community and the end was appointed as Pastor to help Tamil people diperkebunan. In order that the Ministry was effective, he started learning Tamil and went to Penang to develop its language in thn 1913. After a few months in Penang, he returned to the Field late July 1913 and give heart and soul to keep the flock that he loves. After serving them spread diperkebunan within a few months, Van Loon pastor tried to build and deliver learning (school) to the children of their children. Thanks to the Mgr Brans and Provincial land purchased at setapak Capuchins Petisah between JI. Mojopahit and Srivijaya. That is the ditanah that this family dikumpuikan family, a chapel and a residence for the pastor was built in 1914.In March 1915 a semi permanent elementary school was built and inaugurated with 52 tamil children. Because she could not take care of themselves improved jumiah India people he invokes Catholic sisters the sisters to help her take care of her house and sekoiah. Hence the request of dad Mgr Brans .6 sisters dad Konggregasi St. Yoseph dad Amersfoot arrived in Medan on September 28 January 1931 to help Pastor Van Loon in missinya. They work for the people of India and oversees omag sekoiah and child diasrama.The school also functioned as the Church to berliturgi up a bare Church (which is now the parish church dedicated to St. Anthony) was built and blessed in had Sunday at tg 1.14 November 1915 and after a year the home parish church in dikompleks bin added October 1916.With the founding of the Church to the people of India in Hayam Wuruk, the Medan city had 3 of the Church as a whole are:• The Cathedral Church. YouthChurch Of Christ The King. Hakka now JL. archipelago. • The Church Of St. Anthony. Hayam Wuruk.All of this was known at that time as a church for the people of Europe, the Chinese people and the people of India in its functionality because the language of the Netherlands, Chinese and India clashed along with Latin as the language of the liturgy during mass services. But of course in this case is lost because people from other races in this parish. What began as a Mission Center for the communities of India dipermulaan of the 20th century, the parish of Hayam Wuruk has become a large parish with a mixture of many different tribes, and the language of India, China and the Batak. In the early 1970s this Church consists of several Sei Sikambing as stasi, Sunggal, Padang kanBulan and Sei Agul.After a brief story of the history of the parish of Hayam Wuruk, I want to extend my life story in the parish of Hayam Wuruk.Soon after ordination I on December 27, 1970, and after completing the lesson of Theology in India, I tried to go to Malaysia for bermissi, but my visa to Malaysia prevented so that my dream to become missionaries in Malaysia be gone. in time THAs Archdiocese of Medan, Mgr Van Den Hurk contact my supervisor and begged permission so that I can work on THURS, so in May 1972, I came to the Field and began pastoral life as Pastor of my Fellow diparoki Hayam Wuruk in shepherding the pst and pst Timmermans Brans. I was given a special mandate by the Archbishop to serve the community of omag India in my pastoral duties.After pastor Van Loon died, India generally people who live in Medan and the Catholics who are in Kp Christian feel like sheep without Grazing. Therefore, my arrival as if to resurrect the hope for a better future.At the beginning of my pastoral duties, everything went well with the good cooperation of the community Kp.Kristen.Tetapi time I see that the Catholic community in this little underdeveloped India in terms of economic, educational, religious and social life of the other comparisons with people in other fields, in India I want to bring a significant change in Kp.Kristen.Sebagai first step, project education for children is planned because only a portion of those who graduated from the elementary school level. Since the education that will bring changes to mental attitude, and make more expectations, whether unaccompanied children and to give a sense of hornat, I set up 2 level building mulifungsi in JI. Mataram Medan with the name of the institution of social works of the Dharma in December 1973, with the blessing of the Archbishop and the help and support from some masayrakat India in Medan. The building work of Darma served as a primary school as well as a social centre and activities for people people activitas Kp. Christian for a few years.The school paper the Darma had many serve hundreds of children of India and after 25 years the school handed pelayannnya kepengawasan of the Don Bosco Foundation and now enabled on behalf of SD. St. Thomas VNI in JI. Mataram Medan. I am very pleased and even proud that many alumni work of Dharma have entered high school and even to University and now work together] a dibanyak area in Indonesia,In my attempt to bring social change o improve the lives of Kp. Christian with hardships by penyebeam family from there so that they can learn to live with the other tribes of the national diintegritas, I met with a stiff feud. However, the plan had already been partially successful because all that has left the Kp. Christian keadaannnya now already much better, they have experienced the grace and the spread in their lives.Everything that lives in penyeberannya has become a new community for the last couple of years and formed the Fellowship of Prayer-based Catholic community by the name of a collection of St. Bonaventure Catholic people of Indonesia. Very irony! Time they live close together in Kp. Christian, it is less harmonious time, a lot of poverty, illiteracy, the decline of morals and religion, but the time they live far apart, sating they felt United, harmonious, both in economics, both in education and in terms of religion. Now they take a mainstream activities in the parish of Hayam Wuruk. I thank the Lord for the bitter and sweet experience of late.See the progress of Komunit
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
PARISH HAYAM WURUK I know I have the privilege to serve the parish St.Anthonius in JI.Hayam Wuruk Medan, from 1972 to 1983. This was due to the maintenance of God so that I can be landed in Indonesia as a missionary and spent more than 30 years of life and do my mission to work in the Archdiocese of Medan. As a student of the Indian Jesuit, I volunteered to go and bermissi in Malaysia after the lessons of Philosophy in India and I happened to pass a pastoral year (TOP) in Kuala Lumpur yr 1966 -1967 , But as regards the system of immigration that is new, I could not stay in Malaysia within Iama, so Superior / My boss sent me to Indonesia to conduct lessons Theology in the hope that after ordination, I could go back to Malaysia to work on the mission of me. Unfortunately I can not go back there, and God chose Indonesia as the land of my mission. Absolutely true that "Our way is not the way of God." Now I will cobs to told briefly about the parish Hayam Wuruk I know and share the experience of my life for over 12 years as a difficult time there. I first landed in Indonesia pd May 1967 and soon learned Indonesian in Jakarta in preparation for Theology Seminary St. Paul Jogjakarta, and while I was studying theology in Jogja I soon read about the Archdiocese of Medan and the foundation of the Indian migrant people who live there. Therefore, with the permission of superiors, I visited Medan in December 1968 for a vacation and I were warmly received by Bishop Van Den Hurk OFM Cap, and I was allowed to stay in the Parish Hayam Wuruk for 3 weeks and was accompanied by two priests Capuchin ie Pastor Timmermans and Father Maximus Brans.Beberapa of the Indian Catholic community of Kp.Kristen came to me and introduced them menyalam And that's the first time I was able to communicate with the Parish JI.Hayam Wuruk. And as a base of native Indian community in the field or on the day of birth Parish Hayam Wuruk, very little documentation ada.Bagaimanapun, there were some oral tradition about the history of the Tamil people who live and work around the Deli Serdang diperkebunan and at the end of the 19th century formed the core of birth For Parish Hayam Wuruk. According to the elders of this Indian community, some of the family is taken directly from South India-Pandichery and Tamilnadu by oarng French but others seem to come from Penang Malaysia after working here for some time. Among the Indians, some Catholic families are employed by a French company in the plantation Tobacco Deli in area Sei Sikambing City dipinggiran confidence dad Medar As part of their faith, the company set up a Catholic chapel where the family can meet and be able to obtain a religious service which is served with regional language (Tamil) in each had Minggu.Kadang sometimes there are some visits priests to celebrate Holy Mass in Tamil language makes them very happy. During that time North Sumatra closed to the Catholic Church by the Dutch colonial rule and thus the Protestant churches developed in several areas in the 20th century Sumut.Pada Mgr Brans OFM Cap, the Apostolic Padang allowed to settle in Medan and so the Catholic mission clearly visible from North Sumatra. Pastor Ferdinandus Van Loon PFM Cap, who arrived in Medan dad Netherlands pd date August 20, 1912 are required to supervise the faith required by the Tamil community and eventually appointed as Pastor to help the Tamils ​​diperkebunan.Agar apostolate effective, he began to learn the Tamil language and go to Penang to develop the language in the yr 1913. After several months in Penang, he returned to the field late in July 1913 and gave his heart and soul to maintain the dicintainya.Sesudah serve their flock scattered in a few months diperkebunan , pastor Van Loon trying to build and deliver learning (school) for children mereka.Terimakasih to Mgr Brans and Provincial of the Capuchins footpath land was purchased in Petisah between JI.Mojopahit and Sriwijaya. That ground was dikumpuikan family this family, a small chapel and living quarters for priests built in 1914. In the month of March 1915 a semi-permanent primary schools built and opened with 52 children tamil.Sebab she can not take care of itself increase the Indians jumiah Catholic nun she begged the nurse assistance to help take care of the request asramanya.Karenanya sekoiah and dad Mgr Brans, 6 sisters of the Congregation St.Yoseph dad dad Amersfoot arrived in Medan on date 28 January 1931 to help Fr Van Loon in his mission. They work for the people of India and supervise OMAG sekoiah and children's dormitory. The school also functioned as a church for the liturgical until a bare church (which is now the parish church dedicated to St.Antonius) had built and blessed in Sunday at tg1.14 November 1915 and a year after the parish house of the church was added complexed in a bin in October 1916. With the establishment of the church for the Indians in Hayam Wuruk, Medan has three church as a whole are: • JI.Pemuda Cathedral Church of Christ the King JI.Hakka now Jl.Nusantara. • Church St.Antonius JI.Hayam Wuruk. All of this was known at that time as a church for the Europeans, the Chinese church and church functions because the Indians in Dutch, Chinese and Indians are used in addition to Latin as the language of liturgy used during service misa.Tetapi of course in this case the period is lost because the people of other races into parish parish ini.Apa which began as a mission center for the Indian community at the beginnings of the 20th century, the parish has become sebua Hayam Wuruk large parish with a mixture of various tribes, and languages India, China Batak and Jawa.Di early 70s this church consists of several stations like Sei Sikambing, Sunggal, Padang kanBulan and Sei agul. After a brief story of the historical development of the Parish Hayam Wuruk, I want to continue the story of my life in the parish Hayam Wuruk. Soon after my priestly ordination on December 27, 1970, and after completing a lesson Theology in India, I tried to go to Malaysia for bermissi, but my visa to Malaysia prevented my dream to become a missionary in Malaysia became lenyap.ltulah in time the diocesan Court Medan, Mgr Van Den Hurk mengubungi my boss and ask for permission so that I can work at KAM, so in May 1972 I came to the field and begin my pastoral life as a colleague Father diparoki Hayam Wuruk in pastoral pst pst Brans.Saya Timmermans and mandate specifically by the Archbishop to serve the community OMAG India in my pastoral duties. After the pastor Van Loon died, mostly Indians who live in Medan and the Catholics in the Christian village feels like sheep without Penggembalaan.Oleh Therefore, my arrival as if revive the hope for a better future. At the beginning of my pastoral duties, everything went smoothly only with good cooperation from the community Kp.Kristen.Tetapi time I see that the Indian Catholic community is a little underdeveloped in terms of economic, educational, religious and Other social life comparison with other Indians in the field, I want to bring a significant change in Kp.Kristen.Sebagai a first step, the education project for children is planned for only a portion of those who had completed elementary school. Since education that will bring changes to the mental attitude, and create an expectation that was better for children and provide a sense hornat, I build 2 levels mulifungsi in JI.Mataram field with the name of the Institute of Social Work Education in December 1973. Dharma, with the blessing of Archbishop and the help and support of some masayrakat India in Medan. Building work Darma serve as a primary school as well as social and activity center for people activitas Kp.Kristen for several years. School work Darma has served hundreds of children India and after 25 years the school pelayannnya handed oversight of the Foundation Don Bosco and now functioned on behalf of the SD. St. Thomas VNI in JI.Mataram Medan. I am very happy and even proud that many alumni Karya Dharma has entered High School and even to university and now beaker] a in many areas in Indonesia, in my efforts to bring social change to improve the lives of drawing Kp.Kristen with all his troubles with a family of penyebeam there so that they can learn to live with other tribes nationwide diintegritas, I met with hostility that kaku.Bagaimanapun, the plan has been partially successful because all that has been left Kp.Kristen now keadaannnya already much better, they have experienced the grace and deployment in their lives. They are living in penyeberannya has become the new community for the last several years and form-based Fellowship of Catholic Community with the name set St.Bonaventura Indonesian Catholics. Very irony! When they live near each other in Kp.Kristen, when it is less harmonious, lots of poverty, illiteracy, deterioration of moral and religious, but when they live far apart sating, they feel united, harmonious, both in the economy, both in terms of education and agama.Sekarang they menikamti mainstream in parish activities Hayam Wuruk. I thank God for the experience the bitter and sweet in this life. Seeing the progress of Komunit

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