Di Balik Skandal Bank CenturyJakarta Jia Xiang - Tiga tahun silam, tep translation - Di Balik Skandal Bank CenturyJakarta Jia Xiang - Tiga tahun silam, tep English how to say

Di Balik Skandal Bank CenturyJakart

Di Balik Skandal Bank Century

Jakarta Jia Xiang - Tiga tahun silam, tepatnya 8 Desember 2009, Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) menerbitkan surat perintah penyelidikan kasus Bank Century. Sejak itu, KPK memeriksa sejumlah orang yang dianggap tahu perkara penggelontoran dana yang bermasalah itu.

Meskipun “dirongrong” DPR melalui Panitia Khusus (Pansus) Hak Angket Bank Century, kerja KPK mulai memberi harapan. Lembaga yang dipimpin Abraham Samad, mencokok salah satu aktor di Bank Indonesia (BI). Mantan Deputi Gubernur BI, Budi Mulya, pun meradang dengan status tersangka. Ia kini menjadi tahanan KPK.

Akhir pekan di November 2013, KPK sempat menghentak publik di tanah air. Wakil Presiden Boediono diperiksa sebagai saksi. Mantan Gubernur BI yang selama ini disebut-sebut orang yang “paling tahu” skandal Bank Century itu, diperiksa sebagai saksi. KPK juga memeriksa mantan Wapres Jusuf Kalla.

Langkah KPK ini sempat memompa semangat dan harapan masyarakat akan pengungkapan dalang di balik aktor-aktor yang “bermain” dengan dana talangan Rp6,7 triliun yang digelontorkan ke Bank Century.

Langkah KPK menyelidiki, menyidik, dan menetapkan mantan Deputi Gubernur BI, Budi Mulya sebagai tersangka, kata praktisi hukum Alexius Tantrajaya, kepada Jia Xiang Hometown di Jakarta, Senin (13/1/14), memberi harapan kepada masyarakat yang sudah jenuh dengan kasus korupsi yang melilit bangsa ini.
“Sekarang yang kita tunggu apakah KPK hanya sampai di aktor-aktornya atau membongkar kasus ini hingga ke akar dengan menggaruk para dalang skandal Bank Century,” ujar Alexius.

Kasus Bank Century ini, ungkapnya, secara tidak langsung menjadi pembuktian kesaktian UU Nomor 20 Tahun 2001 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi, dan UU Nomor 25 Tahun 2003 tentang Tindak Pidana Anti Pencucian Uang.

“Proses hukum yang telah dilakukan KPK sangat tepat sesuai prosedur hukum, yakni penyidikan dimulai dari hasil Laporan audit investigasi Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) yang terus dikembangkan melalui pemeriksaan saksi-saksi penting. Kita harus dukung penuh langkah KPK. Untuk itu, proses politik atas kasus ini sudah waktunya dihentikan,” tegasnya.

Sementara itu, Wapres Boediono usai diperiksa kepada wartawan di Istana Wapres, Jakarta, menjelaskan, kalau dia diperiksa dalam kapasitasnya sebagai Gubernur BI yang dijabatnya hingga tahun 2008.
Pemeriksaan Boediono ini, hanya berselang delapan hari setelah KPK menahan Budi Mulya sebagai tersangka. KPK meminta keterangan Boediono sebagai saksi Budi Mulya. Kepada KPK Bediono juga menjelaskan tentang keputusan pemberian dana talangan (bail out) kepada Bank Century.
Keputusan pemerintah memberikan Fasilitas Pendanaan Jangka Pendek (FPJP) dan penetapan Bank Century sebagai bank gagal berdampak sistemik terjadi pada 2008.

Keputusan Sakti
Keputusan pemberian FPJP lantaran di tahun itu Bank Century alami gejolak likuiditas. Beberapa nasabah besar menarik dana yang disimpan di Bank Century, sehingga kesulitan likuiditas.
Nasabah besar yang menyimpan dananya di Century, diantaranya Budi Sampoerna, PT Timah Tbk, dan PT Jamsostek. Namun, pada 1 Oktober 2008, Budi Sampoerna tak dapat menarik uangnya sebesar Rp2 triliun.

Gejolak likuiditas itu tercium BI. Karenanya, 13 November 2008 Boediono yang menjabat Gubernur BI membenarkan Century tidak bisa membayar dana permintaan nasabah, sehingga terjadi rush.
BI kemudian menggelar rapat konsulitasi melalui telekonferensi dengan Menteri Keungan Sri Mulyani yang sedang di Washington, Amerika Serikat.

Menyadari kesulitan likuiditas, pada 14 November 2008, Bank Century mengajukan permohonan fasilitas pendanaan darurat. Alasannya, sulit mendapat pendanaan. Kemudian 21 November 2008, rapat Komite Stabilitas Sistem Keuangan (KSSK) yang dipimpin Sri Mulyani sebagai ketua, memutuskan menyelamatkan Bank Century. Dalam rapat itu, BI mengumumkan bahwa per 31 Oktober 2008 rasio kecukupan modal (CAR) Bank Century minus 3,52 persen.

Century pun mendapat FPJP karena adanya perubahan Peraturan Bank Indonesia (PBI) No 10/26/PBI/2008 mengenai persyaratan pemberian FPJP dari semula dengan CAR 8 persen menjadi CAR positif.

Untuk itu, supaya menambah kebutuhan modal terutama menaikkan CAR menjadi 8 persen adalah sebesar Rp630 miliar. Selepas pemberian FPJP, Century pun ditetapkan sebagai bank gagal berdampak sistemik dan mendapat dana talangan Rp6,7 triliun. Penetapan Century sebagai bank gagal berdampak sistemik dilakukan dalam rapat KSSK yang dihadiri Boediono, Sekretaris KSSK Raden Pardede, Komisioner LPS Anggito Abimanyu, dengan mengacu pada Perppu No 4 tahun 2008 tentang Jaring Pengaman Sistem Keuangan.

Kucuran dana talangan pun dilakukan bertahap. Century menerima Rp2,7 triliun (23 November 2008), sebesar Rp2,2 triliun (5 Desember 2008), sebesar Rp1,1 triliun (3 Februari 2009) serta sebesar Rp630 miliar (24 Juli 2009).

Boediono menegaskan, pengaturan pemberian FPJP juga diatur melalui Peraturan Bank Indonesia (PBI). Berdasarkan UU, BI berwenang penuh menetapkan atau mengubah PBI untuk menyalurkan FPJP. Kondisi Bank Century memburuk dan butuh diselamatkan melalui suntikan modal sementara oleh Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS).

Sejumlah pengamat ekonomi dan hukum menilai, Boediono sebagai mantan Gubernur BI ketika itu, dinilai turut bertanggungjawab dalam kebijakan FPJP. Gubernur BI dianggap mengubah dua peraturan waktu itu, pertama mengubah PBI, dan kedua berdasarkan PBI itu kemudian diberikan FPJP.
Sementara Budi Mulya yang akhirnya ditetapkan jadi tersangka oleh KPK, ditengarai bukan pelaku utama, melainkan hanya turut serta. Sebab pemberian FPJP adalah keputusan Rapat Dewan Gubernur BI. Artinya keputusan itu bukan tanggung jawab Budi Mulya sebagai Deputi Bidang Pengelolaan Moneter Devisa BI.

Mantan Wapres Jusuf Kalla justru punya pendapat berbeda terkait status Bank Century yang mendapat Rp6,7 triliun. Jusuf Kalla secara tegas membantah Bank Century adalah bank gagal berdampak sistemik.

Kata dia, sehari sebelum rapat keputusan itu tepatnya 20 November 2008, dia menggelar rapat bersama Sri Mulyani (Menteri Keuangan) dan Boediono (Gubernur BI).
Jusuf Kalla, Boediono dan Sri Mulayani pun sepakat tidak ada bank bermasalah dan tidak ada krisis ekonomi. Beberapa jam kemudian KSSK menggelar rapat dan memutuskan, satu bank gagal sistemik yang membahayakan.

“Saya tidak dilibatkan dalam rapat KSSK tanggal 21 November 2008 yang memutuskan Bank Century sebagai bank gagal berdampak sistemik,” ujar Jusuf Kalla.

Kebenaran dan borok semua perkara belum terungkap. Yang pasti, beberapa tahun sejak berdiri, Bank Century diperlakukan khusus oleh penguasa, dan puncaknya menerima FPJP. Bahkan, Bank Century juga mendapat kucuran dana Rp6,7 triliun pasca ditetapkan sebagai bank gagal berdampak sistemik.

Kini, semua proses hukum masih berjalan. Budi Mulya dalam waktu dekat digiring ke pengadilan tindak pidana korupsi. Akankah proses hukum yang dilakukan KPK bisa menggaruk para dalang skandar Century?

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Behind the Bank Century Scandal

Jakarta Jia Xiang-Three years ago, December 8, 2009, the corruption eradication Commission (KPK) issued the warrant investigation into cases of Bank Century. Since then, a number of people checking the KPK is considered to know things of flushing out the troubled funds it.

even though "dirongrong" the HOUSE through a Special Committee (new Godard?) Right Now the Bank Century, work began the KPK give hope. Institutions that led Abraham Samad mencokok, one of the actors in the Bank Indonesia (BI). Former BI Deputy Governor Budi Mulya, however, inflamed with the status of the suspect. He is now a prisoner of

KPK. weekend in November 2013, the KPK was stamping the public in the country. Vice President Boediono is examined as a witness. Former Governor of BI that touted the "most know" scandal of Century Bank, examined as a witness. KPK also examined the former Vp Jusuf Kalla.

KPK Step was pumping excitement and expectations to be disclosure of the mastermind behind the actors "playing" with Rp6,7 billion bailouts digelontorkan to Bank Century.

KPK investigate Measures, menyidik, and set the former BI Deputy Governor Budi Mulya, as a suspect, said Alexios Tantrajaya, legal practitioners to Jia Xiang Hometown in Jakarta, Monday (13/1/14), giving hope to the people who are already saturated with corruption case that is wrapped around this nation.
"Now we wait whether the KPK only until in aktor-aktornya or disassemble this case up to the roots by scratching the mastermind of Bank Century scandal," said Alexios

This Century Bank Case, he said, indirectly became the divine power of evidentiary LAW Number 8 of 2001 about the eradication of criminal acts of corruption, and ACT No. 25 of 2003 about anti-money laundering criminal acts.

"legal process that has been done very precisely appropriate CCA legal procedures, i.e. the investigation starting from the results of the audit report of the Financial Audit Agency investigation (CPC) that continue to be developed through the examination of witnesses is essential. We must fully support the KPK. To that end, the political process of this case it was time stopped, "he said.

Meanwhile, Vp Boediono after checked told reporters in Jakarta, Vice President, Castles explained, if he checked in his capacity as Governor of the BI, where until 2008.
Examination this Term, just eight days after Budi Mulya detained KPK as suspects. KPK asked description Boediono as a witness Budi Mulya. The KPK Bediono also explains the decision granting bailouts (bail out) to Bank Century.
Government decisions provide Short-term Funding Facility (FPJP) and the establishment of the Bank as the bank Century failed systemic impact occurred in 2008.

Milky DecisionThe decision granting FPJP because in that year the Bank Century natural liquidity fluctuations. Some big clients withdraw funds deposited in the Bank Century, so the difficulty liquidity.
big Clients who keep their funds in the Century, including Budi Sampoerna, PT Timah Tbk, and PT Jamsostek. However, on October 1, 2008, Budi Sampoerna was unable to withdraw his money amounting to Rp2 trillion.

The turmoil that wafted BI liquidity. Therefore, November 13, 2008 BI Governor Boediono who served justify the Century could not pay funds the customer demand, so rush.
BI then held a meeting of konsulitasi through the teleconference with the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani who was in Washington, the United States.

Realizes the difficulty of liquidity, on November 14, 2008, Bank Century apply the emergency funding facility. The reason, difficult to get funding. Then on November 21, 2008, meeting of the Committee on Financial system stability (KSSK) Sri Mulyani as Chairman, decided to save Bank Century. In that meeting, BI announced that as of October 31, 2008. capital adequacy ratio (CAR) of Bank Century minus 3.52 percent.

Century also got FPJP due to changes in the regulations of Bank Indonesia (PBI) No. 10/25/PBI/2008 regarding the requirements for the granting of the original with a CAR of the FPJP 8 percent to CAR positive.

for it, in order to increase capital requirements especially raised the CAR into 8 percent is $ Rp630 billion. After granting FPJP, Century was established as the bank failed the systemic impact and got bailouts Rp6,7 trillion. Determination of the Century as banks fail systemic impact carried out in meetings attended KSSK Boediono, Raden Archanam1989, KSSK Secretary Commissioner LPS Anggito Abimanyu, with reference to a Perppu No 4 of 2008 about a financial System safety net.

Endless bailouts were done gradually. The Century received a Rp2,7 trillion (23 November 2008), amounting to Rp2,2 trillion (5 December 2008), amounting to Rp1,1 trillion (3 February 2009) and amounted to Rp630 billion (24 July 2009).

Boediono affirmed, arrangements granting FPJP also arranged through Bank Indonesia Regulation (PBI). Under Law, BI authorities a full set or change to channel FPJP PBI. The condition worsens and it took a Century Banks saved through injections of capital while by Lps (LPS)

a number of economic and legal observers assess, BI Governor Boediono as when it assessed were responsible for policing FPJP. BI Governor considered changing two rules of the time, first change the PBI, and second based on PBI was then given FPJP.
While Budi Mulya was finally established by KPK suspect, so the case is not the protagonists, but rather just take part. For granting FPJP is a decision meeting of the Board of Governors of BI. That decision was not the responsibility of Budi Mulya as Deputy for the management of foreign exchange Monetary

BI.Former Vp Jusuf Kalla thus have different opinions regarding the status of Hippies who got Rp6,7 trillion. Jusuf Kalla is expressly denied the Bank Century bank's failure was systemic impact.

He said, a day before meeting the decision was exactly November 20, 2008, he held meetings with Sri Mulyani (Minister of Finance) and (Governor of BI) Boediono.
Jusuf Kalla, Boediono and Sri Mulayani has agreed there is no bank is in trouble and there is no economic crisis. A few hours later held a meeting and decided the KSSK, one bank failed systemic harm.

"I am not involved in meetings on November 21, 2008 KSSK who decide Bank Century as banks fail systemic impact," said Jusuf Kalla

.Truth and ulcers all things has not been revealed. To be sure, a few years since its establishment, Bank Century is treated specially by the ruler, and the Summit received FPJP. In fact, the Hippies also got endless Fund of Rp6,7 billion as the bank failed to set post impact of systemic

Now, all legal process is still running. Budi Mulya anytime soon was taken to the Court of criminal acts of corruption. Will the legal proceedings undertaken KPK can scratch the puppeteer skandar Century?

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